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"Did you hear me Liam?" Maxwell's voice rings out from the phone, I blink with a frown while licking my lips.

"Yes, Maxwell, I heard you."

How could I not have heard him? His words have struck me to the core, leaving me gasping for breath while gripping the head of the wingback chair so hard my nails are cutting into the leather. I should feel grateful I've even been included, that Drake and Lily would want me to be present to celebrate their union in two day's time. Two days, how was that enough time to plan a wedding? Why was it so sudden? Had they been planning it like this all along or did something happen for it to spring up all of a sudden? Was she... pregnant? My stomach turns at the thought.

"Liam... Did the call cut out?" Maxwell huffs in irritation.

"No, sorry. I'm a bit preoccupied." I lie through my teeth, "I'll be there, of course I'll be there. Just send me the details and I'll see you there tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll do that right now. You don't want to fly together?"

"No." I can't ride in a jet with Maxwell and Hana, I can't deal with them being happy and excited and the constant discussion of wedding arrangements. "I have a few things I need to sort out, you and Hana go on without me. I'll be a few hours behind you."

"Okay. This is great isn't it? Drake is getting married, who would have thought." He laughs.

Certainly not me, that's for sure. I knew he had proposed to her, I saw the ring last year when I got to the hospital after he was shot. His family ring, it meant something to him, it was a clear enough sign to me that he really was in love with her. But a part of me thought, hoped maybe, he wouldn't be able to go through with it. That he would want to stay engaged, not moving forward to tie them together forever. I should have known better, of course he would want to marry her. Lily was perfect, she was perfect for him, they were perfect together. And so damn happy. I've never seen Drake so happy before, smiling and laughing more than I could ever remember. Even as kids he never smiled for no reason and laughed at stupid jokes. But Lily has that effect on him, she really brings the best out of him. Of course he wants to tie the knot with her, who could blame him?

"Yeah, Maxwell. It's fantastic news. I'm sorry, I have to let you go." I drop my head between my arms to look at my polished shoes, "I have a meeting to get to."

"Oh, right. Sorry, Your Majesty. See you soon." Maxwell chimes before hanging up leaving me alone in the overwhelmingly quiet study.

Making my way over to the study door I find myself locking eyes with Bastien, as he stands in the far corner of the study. Out of sight out of mind, as always, listening to every painstaking phone call I have to endure. Something flashes across his grey eyes...was it sympathy? I don't need his sympathy, I need to be left alone. Truly alone.

"Get out." I demand hoarsely.


"You heard me, get out. I need to be alone." I stop and point at the door, "Go stand out in the hall or something."

Bastien blinks slowly as if he is unable to process what I'm saying., Is he afraid to leave me alone after that call? Does he know?

"Get out!" I yell, my voice reverberating off the books.


In a few short strides Bastien is out of the study, and once he pulls the door closed behind him I cross over to it and lock it earnestly then turn back to the empty room. Truly alone with myself now, I walk back over to the bar cabinet behind the desk and pour myself a glass of scotch. Drake is the source of my misery – it only seems fitting to have a drink in his honor. It's not that I can't be happy for him, I can and I am. He deserves to be happy and in love, he deserves the best. It just sucks that Lily is the best. When Bastien got the call that Drake had been shot and was in the hospital and I was faced with the reality of possibly losing the one constant I'd always had, I realized what was and wasn't important. Drake was important, our fight was not. His life was more important than my pride. Pride meant nothing when it went head to head with loss, I couldn't lose him. I had been so blinded by anger, feeling betrayed by what I thought he had done to me. Lily was right, her words still ring in my ears, and I honestly hope they would never stop haunting me. I acted like a child and attacked my best friend because I didn't get my way... how stupidly childish is that! That knowledge doesn't make this hurt any less, though.

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