chapter 3

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Takemichi : I will join.

Member : that great to hear let go .

Takemichi get on the motor and ride with them go to there place .

With Mikey after he hangout with the other and he walk to his home when he get in he rush to his room and jump on the bed and start crying .

Mikey :I'm sorry michi I'm sorry * hic * and he started to fall asleep .

30min later he wake up and were some clothes and walk down stairs .

Emma : Mikey where are you going .

Mikey : I go buy taiyaki to eat .

Emma : don't be late .Mikey nod and walk out of the house and go buy his taiyaki then he see bonten gang but he walk pass he don't know there someone look at him with a smirk on his face and Mikey walk pass it .

Mikey : think hmm I thought there someone was looking at me maybe it just my imagination and he walk to buy taiyaki an dgo to his home .

1 week later after he kick takemichi out .Mikey he miss takemichi and he get a new friends that look and personal really like takemichi but he stronger and that guy alway with Mikey cheer him and support him then Mikey start to forget about takemichi a little bit a little bit .

Mikey : David what are you doing .

David : Mikey-kun am just training what are you doing here anyway .

Mikey : just want to hang out do you have some time * smile * .

David : sure . He get on his knees and Mikey get on him and they walk to buy taiyaki Mikey favourite food then they walk pass two people and Mikey see sanzu and tell David to put him down andgrab David hand and he say .

Mikey : Sanzu * still holding David hand * .

Sanzu and takemichi hear and turn around see Mikey run to them holding someone hand and sanzu look at takemichi and see takemichi about to kill that guy and he say .

Sanzu : hey Mikey who that guy .

Mikey V: he my b -

David : his bestfriend who are you .

Sanzu : oh Mikey you move on so fast tha I expect an dwhat about takemichi after sanzu say takemichi was right there listen to Mikey answer .

Mikey : um who .

Sanzu : wow forget about him already really Mikey .

David : who is Takemichi my Mikey .

Mikey : hey I told you to stop calling me that * blush *.

David : alright but who takemichi * cold torn* .

Mikey stun : uh look at David uh he no one and grab David hand and walk away then look back at sanzu and wave hi Shane goodbye.then sanzu look at takemichi and see takemichi aura and see him is about to kill .

Sanzu : stop it boss .

Takemichi :STOP WHAT MOTHER FUCKER * cold * .

Sanzu :*shiver * boss you look so scary and look like you about to kill Some with that face but can't you just kidnapped him to be your slave when we about to fight with toman tomorrow .

Takemichi : hmm they great idea you get there but let go .

With Mikey and David .

David grabbed Mikey and pull him and pin him to the wall .

Mikey : wha what David .

David :I ask again who takemichi .

Mikey : ex bestfriend .

David:  then what am I to you .

Mikey : your my new best friend .

David :good .

Mikey : let get going  he grab David and run in to the store buy taiyaki then Mikey eat it and fall asleep and David carry him on his back and walk back to his house and put mikey on the bed and he go take shower and sleep hugging Mikey .

He always like that when Mikey come to his house because he like Mikey like his own brother .


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2021 ⏰

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