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It was Friday, as always I came from work and finished a little bit of my house work and the rest of my work from work... As i was done with my home-work, I decided to watch TV for a bit as i didn't have any work that needed to be done from work. As i put something on i heard my phone give me an alert informing me that there is someone at my porch or at my door. i open the alert through my phone and see an old lady sitting on my porch chair. i switch on my speaking option on my app and start to talk to the old lady. 

she didn't seem like a threat, she seemed to have a laptop in her hand and seemed look a lot similar...

'hello, who are you?' i start 

'oh hel- oh where are you talking from? i cant see you' she replies

'i am talking through my doorbell camera, may i know who you are and what are  you doing on my porch?'

'my grandson, he told me i could come here any time i needed a intern- WiFi connection...but it doesn't seem to be working properly can you come have a look at it for me son?'

'uhh, the wif- wait how did you get in here?'

'through the front grandson told me it was fine to do so...wait am i doing something wrong son?'

'no no, uhhh its just that the wifi is kind of mine and i pay for it and i was the on- how did your grandson get access to it anyways?'

'do you know how to use facetime son?'

'uhh, yes...may i know who your grandson is?'

'ohh his name is ayan'

'ohh, he lives down the road doesnt he?'

'yes yes, he is in college proud of him... son do you mind helping me with the face-time? i cant seem to find it and i need to call my son and my daughter in law or else i could miss the schedule' 

 'uhh yes sure, come on on..'

i didn't expect my Friday to end like this...certainly not with finding out someone is using my WiFi without my permission...but i had no guts to tell this lovely lady that what she was doing was a crime...but i would love to have a chat with that grandson and explain to him how illegal it is and this is a cyber crime.

i let her in and we spent about 10 to 15 minutes setting up an account for her and getting the laptop started...i also ended up giving a whole tutorial on the whole face-time thing too. she ended up having a call with her son and daughter-in-law...but they seemed like very arrogant people, but very rich. but at least the old lady was happy. she then introduced herself, letting me know to call her grandma pan, it was getting late but i didn't wanted to make her feel like she was a burden for me because she truly wasn't, i liked talking to her as she reminded me of my grandma. hours passed and soon i heard a knock on the door. i wondered who it was and opened my phone doorbell app to see who it was... 

it was ayan....

i didn't answer through the doorbell speaker, instead i went to the door to answer him. he seemed scared and worried. his hands seemed shaky and he had his phone in his hand with a picture of a lady on it. after an awkward min of him calming down he finally blabbed out...

'hello, iam ayan, my grandma lives net door to you. but i havent seen her for this whole afternoon, have you by any chance seen her? this is how she looks'

before i could say anything i hear...

'ayan? my grandson? what are you doing here? oh my god, what time is it?'


the boy drops everything from his hands and runs towards his grandma and gives her a hug, while his tears run down his cheeks...

'oh boy, what is wrong? why are you crying baby?'

'i am so happy you are alright'

'ohh ayan, did you think someone took me? ayan, look at me, i am one will take me' - she starts laughing to give her grandson some comfort

'grandma stop saying that... what are you even doing here?' he asks as he breaks the hug.

'i came here to get wifi, the connection was very bad so i decided to come a bit closer and this gentle young man helped me with the face-time with your parents'

'grandma i told you not to talk to them. they dont care about us, they never will...'

'no son, they understood their mis-'

'grandma if that is so, why don't they come and visit? why do we have scheduled a call? Why can't we just talk everyday? have they ever asked how you or I were doing? all they care about is money.'

'forgive the-'

'lets go grandma. enough about them'

'okay, let me just grab my phone and laptop.'

grandma pan goes to get the laptop and now i am left with ayan all by myself. so i decided to confront him... but he spoke first...

'look i know what you want to say, but its just wifi man...'

'wifi? i pay for it'

'how much?'

'thats non or your business'

'just send me a bill, ill pay you back, just dont mention about this to my grandma'

'rich brats'

'i am not a brat!'

'sure you are not...'

'look man if you got a pro-'

'lets go ayan. got my stuff'

'okay grandma'

'oh and son Akk, thank you for today. come by if you need anything'

'The same goes for you, grandma pan, if you need any help with the internet or just any help, i am just next door to help.'

'thank you son akk, byebye'

'bye, good night'

'good night'


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