Chapter 4 - Rescue

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The girls followed along the coastline looking for the boys, staying out of site behind the trees. Maggie spotted them first. "There they are," she said, pointing. "This looks to be about a quarter mile from the cave.

Katie looked up at the darkening sky. "You think they'll go at night?" She asked.

"I wouldn't but who knows. We'll just have to watch them and see. We can sleep in shifts," Maggie said. She spread out the tarp they had brought, which was all the attention they had given toward looking like campers. It was more to protect themselves from the crawling beasties that covered the ground. They had their flare guns and lighters at the ready.

Maggie took first watch while Katie caught a little nap. She watched the love of her life as he and Sam wandered up and down the coast making sure everyone nearby was safe. They didn't look like they were planning on checking out the cave in darkness, which was both good and bad. Good, because it was more dangerous at night. The wendigo was more likely to be awake then. Bad, because if anyone that had been taken happened to still be alive, the sooner they got in there the better.

As she watched Dean, her heart ached for him. It was time to stop this nonsense. She looked at her ring in the faint light the moon was giving off and to her surprise it looked a little brighter. Maybe that meant Dean was feeling better too? She really hoped so. She wanted to end this soon. It was fun at first, and she still felt they were right to do it. But now she wanted her man. She'd had to be without him for several months when they went to the other world. And now she was missing him again.

Her thoughts followed this pattern for a few hours, until she woke Katie to take her turn at watch. As usual the last thing she thought of as she lay down to sleep was Dean.

Katie, too, watched the boys with thoughts swimming in her head. It was all she could do to keep herself from running into Sam's arms when he went into the shadows of the trees to pee. He couldn't have been more than 15 yards from her. She watched him in silhouette as he looked around him like he was perhaps looking for them.

She decided to talk to Maggie about calling a truce, no matter what happened with this case. Sam was the love of her life, and if they really had to give up their desire to be hunters, well, so be it. There were priorities after all.

Meanwhile, the boys were having their own thoughts. Dean, who had been only half-asleep when Sam came back from taking a leak, asked, "Any sight of them?"

"I think they're right behind us in the trees," he said, "but I can't be sure." He sat down on a small log that had been placed there for campers to use. "Dean, can we stop this? If it's so important to them to be hunters, can't we find a way to make it work? I really wanna run out there and find them and bring them here. Being away from Katie is tearing me up."

Dean was quiet for a time, and then he sat up and looked at his brother. "I hate to admit it, but they've won. I can't keep doing this either. I want my woman. I feel better when she's around, and I know she helps me handle this thing," he said, patting the mark of Cain on his arm. I know I'm overbearing when it comes to those I love. I'd put them all in cages if I had to, to keep them safe. But the girls are right, they deserve to live their own lives."

"Should we go get them?" Sam asked, a bit in awe of the feelings Dean had just expressed, something that didn't come easily to his brother. Although, Maggie was having that kind of affect on Dean.

Dean thought about that for a moment and then shook his head, "No," he answered. "Let's see how this plays out. I'd still rather not involve them in this if it's not necessary. We'll get them when this is finished"

Sam nodded, thankful that in a few hours he could hold his Katie in his arms again.

Dean got up to take care of his own call of nature and Sam's thoughts were all of Katie. When he realized that Dean was taking a bit too long for what he went to do, he got up and called his name. "Dean," he shouted. There was no answer. "Dean," he called again, panicky now and moving closer to the tree line. "Dean," he shouted a third time. Still no answer.

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