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Location: Pacific Ocean

Date: 23rd October 2034

The sound of alarm blaring can be heard echoing through the dark sky, as a blazing orang inferno can be seen dancing in the hull of the American aircraft carrier, devouring everything on its path as the surrounding area were illuminated in a shade...

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The sound of alarm blaring can be heard echoing through the dark sky, as a blazing orang inferno can be seen dancing in the hull of the American aircraft carrier, devouring everything on its path as the surrounding area were illuminated in a shade of Orange.

"Give me the damage report! And how the hell did those missiles get through our defenses!" The admiral barked, as he looks down toward the chaos on the flight deck from the bridge.
"Sir, damage control parties were unable to contain the fire. The foam system is offline, and we only have sprinkler system due to the power failure caused by one of the missile hitting below the waterline. Aside from that, the reactor has been scrammed as per emergency procedure," The officer relayed the information, as he looks in horror at the fire coming out from one of the elevator.

"Sprinkler systems? That would only delay the inevitable, how much time left did they need to fix the foam system? Aswell as the time until the temperature reaching the detonation temperature of the ordnance?" The Admiral asked as he turned toward the other officer. "Open all hangar bay, and contact our escorts to spray water into the hangar."

"They need approximately 5 minutes to repair the damaged system bu-" Before the sailor could finish, a sudden shockwave shook the ship as the first ordnance detonated inside of the hangar, causing massive ball of flame to exit from the now open hangars. Threatening to throw debris into the helping escort vessel, "T-Two minutes sir..." the officer looks down in despair, after realizing that they don't have much time left.

The Admiral began thinking, he might seem well composed to the officer, acting as if he knew what he was going to do. But he was lost, and scared, he knew the Russian would launch an attack at them but not so soon. As much as he wanted to take the risk of staying on board, and bet whether he can save the seemingly unsavable ship, or abandon her to avoid taking thousands of brave sailors with her. "Tell them to pump water from the flooded compartement into the ordnance area and close every damn watertight door between the fire and unaffected area! We can still save her, but she would need extensive repair! Evacuate any personnel that weren't evolved in the damage control." He ordered, as the officer immediately relayed the order. 

Few minutes passes, but to the sailors on board, it had felt like hours has passed ever since they were fighting against the raging inferno. The sound of rumbling helicopter rotor can be heard, as they began picking up the survivors that chooses not to fight the flames. Though, most of them were civilian combat reporter that was, in fact, evacuated whether they wanted to or not.

"Sir! The ammunition stowage has been successfully flooded, but the resulting water weight made us sink deeper, sir!" The officer stated, seemingly a bit relieved after hearing the news.

"Foam system online! They made it! They made it in time!" One of the officer exclaimed, as the foam system began filling the hangar with fire extinguishing foam. Extinguishing the fire, when all of sudden. The horrified gasp from the radar operator can be heard...

"S-Second wave! t-they sent a second wave of missiles! 1, 2, 6, 11, 17, 21 contact from bearing 2-8-1, fast movers!" The radar operator practically shouted as the room fell into silent. Only half of the escorts were intact, after it had been attacked by what seems to be a Russian made stealth hypersonic anti ship missiles, flying barely above the sea level.

"Shit! ESSM is offline! We only have the RAM!" One of the officer said as he watches the screen with horror.

bright orrange glow can be seen, as rocket motor were started and began to propel the SM-2 and ESSM toward the oncoming threat, but there were simply... Too many of them. 2 shot down, followed by 7 more, before another 4 was shot down by the RAM.

the sound of 'swooshing' can be heard, as several projectile was launched from the carrier. Causing a massive cloud of metal clouds, and flares to appear, followed by decoys. Causing some of the missiles to divert toward the countermeasures... Only to struck the other escort behind the Carrier.

The 4 Tonnes anti ship missile then slammed into the carrier, after making it through the chaff, punching straight through the hull before detonating their massive 1000kg warhead, mixed with unburnt fuel. reigniting the fire and causing a chain reaction of detonated bombs, as other 4 missiles slammed into the carrier.

Water then began to rush inside the ship, as the American supercarrier began to list to the Starboard side, rapidly gaining more water despite the sailor's best attempt.

Knowing that the ship was doomed, the Admiral turned toward the Officer. "All hands! Abandon ship!" he barked into the intercom, as all sailors began to rush to evacuate. Some were lucky to even made it to the flight deck, while some burned to death in the spreading fire and some were drowned in their attempt to flee.

As survivors jumped into the water, wearing their life vest, the supercarrier capsizes. Causing some things that weren't meant to be dropped to crash into the wall at high speed, or crushed. Creating multiple secondary explosion as the fire was quickly extinguished by the seawater coming inside of the ship.

3472 life vanished inside of the sinking ship, including the Admiral who decided to help out the remaining sailors... He went down with the ship, as he was attempting to rescue a trapped sailor. This incident was known as the Bloody October.

(Note: Hey there! Sorry it's a bit short, this is my first time writing a story)

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