Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: This is a sneak peek, so don't read if you don't want to finish the book on a paid site, and you can go read my other books:)  if you want to carry on then happy reading :)

Raven looked in the mirror and saw that her brunette hair paired with her brown eyes was running wild again.

At the age of twenty-two, she had learned how hard life could be for one. She had recently finished her studies in culinary arts and was excited to be going for her first job offer.

She had prepared a dish that she would show and serve them. Raven finished getting ready and was out the door.

Raven had wanted to work for a huge corporation but she had no choice but to work as a personal chef as she was desperate at this point.

The rent and her bills didn't care where she worked as long as it was paid for was all that mattered in this case scenario.

Raven got a cab to the place as it seemed to be a private residence that buses didn't go through every day.

After half an hour's drive, Raven finally got to the place and she was surprised at how huge the place was. It was a mansion and she wondered if she had arrived at the right place.

Raven had to identify herself as to who she was and that she was here to try out for a job position.

The gates opened and they drove in, Raven paid the cab driver and got out of the car, after walking up to the door and she found an elderly woman standing by the doorway.

"You must be Raven."

"Yes mam, it's nice to meet you."

"This way," the lady replied.

Raven nodded and followed behind her, the place was way too huge, and wondered if she was applying to work for her.

When they got to the kitchen, there were multiple divided workstations that had ingredients for them to use.

"You can pick any workstation, there are fifteen candidates applying for this job. There is a time limit of forty-five minutes. Good luck, the results will be out in an hour after you finish cooking, you will all be by the waiting area."

Raven nodded and was very nervous. There were so many chefs applying, that she went to workstation number five.

After fifteen minutes, the competition had begun and Raven was scrambling back and forth as trying to make a dish that would impress them but she ended up making a simple home-cooked meal.

She made pasta alfredo and Caesar salad and time was up. Their meals were collected and taken away to be judged.

Raven sighed, she hadn't made anything impressive, and when she heard the others discussing what they made she knew then and there she had not made it.

They sat by the waiting area, and she saw that every single chef in the room was on their nerves. Raven felt defeated, she had tried, and that's all that mattered.

The elderly lady came back into the room, "Thank you for coming to the interview, and I would like the chef from workstation number five to please come with me. The rest you can go home."

Raven's mouth dropped, had she really said number five? She was number five! She felt numb and was in disbelief that she had really gotten in. She had gotten the job!

Raven stood up shakily and went with the elderly lady, they stopped in the dining area and they sat down.

"First of all congratulations Raven."

"Thank you so much."

"Don't thank me, you did all the work. I'm Mrs. Charlotte, and how this works you will be living here as you will be making breakfast, lunch, and supper. Sometimes tea, depending on if the boss is here. The accommodation comes with the job so you don't pay any rent."

Raven nodded, "Who is the boss?"

"Damien, you won't see him much but after you prepare the food the other girls who work here will serve him the food."

"Okay, got it."

"When can you move in Raven?"

"Anytime is fine by me."

"That's great to hear, so tomorrow I can arrange a moving truck but the fewer things you bring the better as the guest lodge you are going to stay in is already fully furnished."


"Yes is there a problem Raven?"

"No Mam,"

"That's good and you will take tomorrow to settle. You will start cooking on the following day. Here is the contract, your salary is in there and if you have any doubts let me know."

"Yes Mam," Raven replied.

Raven got back home and set out on packing immediately, she didn't have the time to laze around because she was moving out of here tomorrow.

She had given Mrs. Charlotte her address so she could arrange the move. Raven packed her valuables and felt happy.

The salary was beyond what she imagined, she would not have to worry about rent or food. She couldn't miss out on this opportunity and she would work her hardest no matter what.

The moving truck came and when everything was packed in, when she arrived at the mansion, she was shown to her living quarters.

Her jaw dropped, it looked fancier than the hotels that she had been to. She was given a house tour and shown in the kitchen where everything was.

Raven went back to her room and spent the rest of the afternoon unpacking, she was given some food and her timetable.

When she finished unpacking the last thing, she decided to go to bed early as she was exhausted, luckily the boss wasn't there and she would be only starting at night with dinner. That's when he would be back.

Raven woke up the next morning and spent the whole day learning the ropes of everything, she met the other girls who served the boss. She couldn't believe her eyes, they were all stunning and their uniforms were adjusted too much.

She had learned that the boss had gone on a business trip for three weeks and they were all excited that the boss was finally coming back.

Nighttime came and Raven decided to make lasagna and Ceasar salad. She saw the girls scrambling to take the wine and she was back in the kitchen. The boss was in the dining room and she hoped he loved her food.

She made a chocolate cake for dessert and she was glad to see that he had finished her food when the plate came back.

Raven had been working for two weeks at the mansion and she was too happy that it was going very well.

The boss seemed to love her meals and everything was going well without a hitch.

After tonight's supper, Raven went to her room and changed into her pajamas. Sleeping here was amazing.

Raven went to bed but she awakened feeling thirsty. She checked the time and it was one in the morning, and wanted some water.

She got out of bed and went downstairs, got to the kitchen, and poured herself a glass of water, she gulped half of it down.

The light came on and Raven dropped her glass from the shock she got.

There before her stood a handsome man with jet black hair and blue eyes.

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