Chapter 3

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Raven woke up the next morning at her usual time to make breakfast. She was glad that today it was a Friday everything just felt different. When she was done making breakfast she began to prep for lunch as that would be soon too.

After lunch was done she made dinner and was glad when the night was over. Tonight she would be drinking with the other girls that were here.

She was excited to drink as it would be her very first relaxing time here. Raven went to her room, showered, and changed into a tank top and some sweats.

She returned downstairs to the sitting room and saw there were shots and a lot of alcohol for everyone to drink.

Raven was so excited she needed this, when was the last time she could afford alcohol? They started doing shots and drinking a lot.

Raven felt free and lightheaded, the joys of alcohol. She needed to pee so badly and she dragged herself to the bathroom. Her body temperature was way too high and she needed a break so badly.

She stumbled through the hallway and soon was a bit lost. She just needed a bathroom to pee in, never mind finding hers.

She was glad when she found a bedroom and she opened the closet door and she groaned. Where was the bathroom?

She saw another door, and she pushed it with all her might, which resulted in her landing on the floor with a loud thud.

"Ouch." she groaned out loud.

She looked up and found Damien naked. Fully naked. Was she dreaming or was she really seeing this right? Damien stood there with no clothes.

Raven tilted her head and her eyes went down to his crotch. When she realized what was happening she let out a scream.

She turned away.


Before Damien finished his word, Raven got up and dashed into the toilet compartment and peed.

She sighed in relief when done. She washed her hands and got out of the bathroom compartment to find Damien had now a towel around his torso.

Before he could say anything Raven dashed out of the room and went back to the living room after getting lost a bit this time.

She was sobering up a bit when she came back to the living room the other girls seated and still drinking.

"What took so long Raven?"

"I got lost."

"Oh come and drink some more then."

Raven felt flushed and she knew it was the alcohol that was influencing this flush that she was feeling, it was definitely seeing Damon naked.

After a couple of more hours, they decided to call it a night, Raven lay on her bed and it didn't take long for her to fall asleep as she had drunk so much alcohol.

She woke up the next morning feeling groggy, and when all the thoughts of last night came flooding back in, Raven knew she would be getting fired.

Was that a hallucination that she had seen Damien naked or was her mind playing games on her?

Raven's head hurt, and she went to the kitchen. She drank some aspirins for the throbbing that she was feeling.

She made a simple breakfast, as she was too exhausted and out of it to work. She would work normally until they called her in or told her she was fired last night.

She wanted to hit herself, finally, when things were going well for her, she let herself jeopardize them.

Raven finished cooking and went back to her room. When she checked her schedule she was glad that he was not going to be here for lunch, so that meant sleeping through the afternoon.

When dinner time came she went and made roasted chicken and some vegetables. So far so good, no-one had approached about last night or were they looking for a replacement first then they would fire her.

She was tired of having these thoughts, whatever happened, happened. She was glad that every Sunday they had an off day. Which meant that she would be relaxing the whole day tomorrow.

Raven finished supper and sent it off she focused on cleaning the kitchen and making sure everything was intact.

She didn't want to lift a finger tomorrow besides when she needed to come and get herself some food to eat.

She checked twice that everything was put away, Raven went to her room and closed the door. She took off the hat and then the hair net.

She felt her scalp breathe,

"I've been waiting for you, you know?"

Raven jumped, and she turned to Damien's voice. What was he doing here and why was he sitting in the dark?

Raven figured, he was here to fire him but would begging him help?

She saw him get up and walk slowly until he was in front of her and his scent was intoxicating her.

There was light from the moon, so she could see his face. His eyes really stood out too they were very blue.

"I didn't see anything, I swear, I really didn't see, I was way too drunk and all. I don't remember much when I'm drunk." Raven replied trying to play it safe. If she had a chance to save her job it would be now.

She would try to reason with him and let him know.

"Yet you remember what happened last night," Damien replied.

"I promise you I don't."

"But you are telling me the details already."

Raven stopped for a bit, he did have a fair point she thought, she had aired herself out on her own.

"I meant the details, I don't remember them."

"What details?" Damien dragged out slowly.

"I mean of last night, I just remember the outline of the memory but not the details. Those are cleared from my mind."

"Did you like what you saw?" Damien replied.

"No, I mean not like I saw anything just like I said. So I'm not implying that's anything, it's just that I don't remember as my vision was blurry and nothing was clear."

Damien's hand slowly rose and he rested it on her face, and Raven's breath hitched. She was attracted to him and his hand on her face made her feel warm all over.


"Yes?" her voice quivered. She cringed inwards, why couldn't she control herself?

"Can I kiss you?" Damien replied.

"Kiss me?" Raven replied confused.

"Yes, you heard that right."

Raven was a bit taken aback, was he testing her if she had seen something last night? Why would he want to kiss her?

"It's not a good idea, work and private life never mix."

"I'm not approaching you as my worker but a man infatuated with you," Damien replied.

"You are infatuated with me?"

"Yes, I want you, Raven."

His words made her tingle, she had found him good-looking from the get-go and here he was in her room.

Before she could respond his phone rang and he muttered a curse. He took it out of his pocket, "I have to take this."

Raven nodded, but before he let go of her face, he tilted her head with his hand and he brought his lips onto her neck and she inhaled at the feel of his lips. He bit her neck a bit and then pulled back.

He answered the phone call and left her room, Raven placed her hand on her chest. Her heart was beating very fast.

She placed her hand on her neck and she felt where he had bitten her and she felt the warmth.

Raven grinned, did he like her? She was glad that she wasn't fired but that she would be with him.

She knew what she would have answered to his question about wanting to kiss her. She changed into her pajamas and went to sleep with a smile on her face.

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