Getting Ready

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It was the first day of the school holidays, I was so excited and relieved, two weeks of holidays ,two weeks of exploring . My brother Peter and I ,had planned this day for along time now. Peter, Paul and Philip had planned to go exploring in the bush.

Everyone woke up and we immediately started packing for our adventure. We were going to swim to an island near where we were going to explore. We headed over and woke dad up. It took him ten minutes to get up and start packing. We packed food, drinks, bathers and everything else you would need for an adventure. All of a sudden heard dads voice bellow, " Are you all ready?" We rushed down the stairs to the door , jumped in the car and were ready to set off.

Dad turned the car on, as the car revved up and was ready to go, we pulled out of the drive way and raced down our street and we were on our way to our destination.

After twenty minutes of driving we exited the car and started walking into the woods. As we were walking we saw many beautiful sights, we gazed at the native birds, the rain droplets falling off the leaves and hitting the moist ground. After walking for around thirty minutes we found that we were surrounded by the beautiful sea. In the distance we could see an island so we got changed into our bathers to swim over to it. Finally everyone was ready over to swim to the island, it sure looked a long way away. We dived in with a splash, it was ice cold. As soon as everyone was in we started swimming over to the island, it took so long to get there. It felt like the whole day had gone by.
Finally we could see the island after swimming for at least a whole hour, we were swimming as hard as we could and we had finally reached the shore. I thought it was never going to happen. We stood up and the sight was spectacular, I couldn't believe what I saw, there were lakes & huge gigantic rain forest trees. We had to take in everything at once.

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