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Steve looked at his commander, "really?"


"But, you were just recently hurt by him. You didn't freak ou-"

"I know Steve I know." Starscream huffed, laying against the drone.

The two of them were sitting in Starscreams room, specifically in his berth. Steve sitting up straight in a criss cross position, and Starscream in his lap.

Steve had been giving his commander a light back massage, (by his own request of course) being careful to avoid the wings. "Does this mean that- are you going to forgive him and- so do you like him-?" The Vehicon was highly confused at the least.

"I don't know Steve," starscream said moving him body around so his front leaned against Steve's front. "I already told you that I Uh- but all the same-"

"Sir, if you don't want to act on your feelings for me that's completely fine. I'll understand." Steve said sweetly, putting a hand behind the seekers back and slowly moving backwards to lay down with the him.

Starscream sighed, "but Steve I love you, it's just, he- I've loved him for....years, for no good reason.."

"You've told him before correct?"

"Yes yes, about, a week after I became a legal adult?" Starscream giggled.

Steve laughed lightly, "yeah, what had he said?"

"Said that, said that he'd see about it." Starscream said losing his small smile, but regained it soon after. "He definitely thought about it, best interface session I ever had about a month later."

Steve then asked, "what happened? Like, for you all not to become mates?"

Starscream blinked, "well...we just got busy, then I got in trouble, then more trouble, then more trouble. We fought. It continued. We never....we cut that off. He's just been, trying to revive it."

"Lovers to enemies back to lovers?" Steve asked.

Starscream laughed out loud, a sweet thing that was the common clear to a a scratchy voice. "Yes, I suppose that's it!" He giggled.

Steve then said "well, go get him, I believe in you."

Starscream paused then smiled, "Thank you, but I don't think I'm gonna do anything till he proves he's worth it."

"What do you mean Commander?"

"I mean that despite how much of a lovesick cirkitten I act like, I don't think it's time that he earned me back yet." He answered, his wings moving  slowly behind him.


It was only 12 cycles later that what he said had come to a halt.

It was Nighttime, and Starscream was laying in his berth alone.

But he felt too alone.

He huffed and tried Twisting and turning in his blankets, let past memories soothe him, but he sighed as he stood up out of his berth, and left the room.

He walked Slowly, not only because the night time was upon them, and most of the ship was asleep, but because he was asking himself if he was sure he was doing this.

His wings fell behind him, reaching his for his heels as he came upon the door he had left his room for. The room he had always had access to, just never went in.

He went to the code panel, and typed in the series of numbers that gave him access to Megatron's quarters. The series of numbers he was trusted with. Why hadn't he used this is an old scheme?

He pushed open the door and hesitantly took a few steps in. When the door closed behind him he gave his eyes a moment to adjust to the darker atmosphere before turning his head to Megatron's berth.

The warlord slept peacefully, turned away from the door, laying on his side. Starscream moved forward and laid down gently beside the warlord, his mind racing too fast for how tired it was.

He made himself focus on the present, and closed his eyes, but just as he did, he heard the Gladiator. "Starscream?"

Starscream's eyes opened, revealing the crimson pupils again as he turned to Megatron, "yes?" He asked in a sluggish tone, his eyes half lidded at best.

"What are you doing in here?" The warlord asked, having turned around to face Starscream.

Starscream, now not feeling alone, was too tired to answer, and instead moved himself to nuzzle into the warlord's chassis, which seemed to silence him entirely.

Which was fine.

Cause he was tired as fuck.

^Starscream x Megatron ^TFP^ (being rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now