Chapter 16

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One month later
Sam's POV

I glance at Amber, seeing her try on yet another merlot dress. It took me forever to even remember the name of the color, and I groaned everytime she corrected me. I kept calling it "red velvet" but she insisted it was not red velvet but merlot.

Why colors are so confusing, I'll never know.

This was the fourth dress she'd brought home, and she wanted me to come tell her if it looked good or not. Of course she looked good, and I told her so.

She's my best mate, and I'm always there to build up her self-confidence, because some days it seems like she has none.

These days though, I haven't been just there to tell her she looks good when she does, I notice everything about her.

The way she smiles when I make a joke, the sound of her laugh, the shine of her hair in the sun.


The way I felt the night Jackson went all psycho-drunk on her, all protective and brother-like, has only grown into something much more. Now I feel the same way towards her that she felt when she first told me she liked me.

I really, really like her but I'm too afraid to say anything. It's been a month since she broke up with Jackson, and I don't want to spring anything on her, but I can't hold my feelings back much longer.

"So, Sam, what about this one?" she asks with a smile, spinning around.

This dress is the same color of course, but this time the v-neck is lower, with a fabric piece matching the color right behind it, keeping up the modesty. There's a belt at the waist, and flowered lace covers the upper half of the sleeveless dress. The lace thins out below the belt, and the dress stops right at the knee.

I smile and say, "Looks great."

In my opinion, it's the best one so far. She smiles at me and rushes back into her bathroom, changing back her regular outfit of the day.

I sit back down on the couch and think of the events of the past week.

Harry and Genevieve had finally finalized their wedding party two days ago. With their wedding only being a week away at the time, they were starting to freak out when they realized it wasn't done yet.

They had finally decided on the groom's men being me, Tom, Harrison, and Tuwaine.

Harry had asked me to be his best man about a month ago, and I had almost cried at the offer.

Genevieve's bridesmaid's were chosen as April, Tom's fiance; Ruth and Bailey, her best friends from the U.S.; and Amber. Genevieve had callen her late at night and asked if she would do the honor of being one of her bridesmaids. Amber had teared up and immediately accepted.

The maid of honor is Ruth, and from the one time I met her, I can tell she's bursting with pride that one of her best friends is getting married.

Amber comes back into the living room and looks at me for a second before she says, "You know, you've been very helpful today. How about I treat you to some fish and chips?"

"Really?! I'm starved; that would be great," I say, quickly standing up from the couch and walking towards the front door.

Amber rushes forward and grabs the door handle before I can and opens it, gesturing to outside with an outstretched arm.

"Ladies first," she says with a grin. I playfully smack her on the arm and walk outside, stopping just before I open the door to my car.

"So, did you want to go to a stand with fish and chips, or were you thinking more of a restaurant?" I ask, glancing towards Amber.

She thinks for a moment and then says, "It's up to you. I'm buying." She smiles and raises her eyebrows in question.

"Hmm, how about that small restaurant with outdoor seating? Afterall, it's pretty nice out today," I suggest.

She smiles at the idea and nods, getting into the passenger side of my car. I roll the windows down and put on the radio, keeping quiet because I know Amber enjoys rides like this.

This gives me a lot of time to think. I sneak a few glances over at Amber during our 10 minute ride, and I feel so many overwhelming feelings.

It still confuses me that I have this huge crush on my best friend, and I'm not entirely sure what to do with it.

It's quite annoying that when I found out that my best friend liked me romantically a few months ago, it freaked me out. I actually had to distance myself from her for a while, because I couldn't deal with the fact that she liked me in a way I wasn't ready for.

But then, of course, right after she got over me, my stupid heart had to go and get attached to her in entirely the wrong way.

I certainly cannot tell her my feelings, because it's only been a month since Jackson.... happened.

I hope that someday, when I feel it's been long enough, I'll have enough courage to tell Amber how I really feel.

Hey yo I forgot to add this when I published this earlier. So ik this has a lottt of time skips and some of them are pretty big, but I'm trying to add more details of certain events to build up the story, which takes place later in Sam and Amber's life. Sorry if any of you were confused about all of the jumping around!! Thanks for reading ❤️❤️

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