Chapter 2.

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3 Weeks Later…

Harry’s POV

“Fuck this canteen is huge!”

Niall’s eyes widened in disbelief as we strutted into the eating quarters of the hotel we were shacking up in.  Chandeliers hung gracefully from the ceiling, the walls a rich gold paper.  The buffet was limitless; there was everything imaginable available, from chicken to steak, to lasagne and spaghetti Bolognese, to good old classic fish and chips.  I eyed the desserts piled up on the opposite end as we queued up, grabbing plates and napkins from the counter before progressing along the buffet counter.  We all piled our plates high – why shouldn’t we, it was all you can eat.

“This place is sick!” Zayn exclaimed in front of me as he filled his plate, “Still can’t believe we’re nominated for an EMA!  Seriously, dream come true, right?”

I nodded in agreement, grinning.  Our first major award nomination!  And how typical the ceremony was taking place in London this year…we’d been looking forward to flying off to somewhere hot, like Spain, for a week or two of sun, sea, and inevitably, sex.  No such luck, however; we were stuck in old London town, as usual.  The hotel we’d been booked, on the other hand was unreal – 5 star, world class suites, all sorts of facilities, and the best part was, we were sharing it with every other nominee in the awards.  Me and Niall had run into Kanye West in the corridor this morning and almost dropped dead.

We sat down together and got chatting after spending at least ten minutes taking the piss out of Niall’s loaded plated of food – I swear, that boy was an elephant in another life – before I saw her.

I caught a glimpse of her over Louis’ shoulder, her tall, slender frame gliding through the room to sit down alone at a table across from us, everything about her as flawless as I remembered.  She tucked her long, blond hair behind her ear before delving into her plate of food.  My heartbeat sped as my mind filled with the memories of our night together; her breathless moans of my name as I thrust into her flawless body over and over, her fingernails clawing at my skin as my lips trailed over her sweet spots, her body’s incredible reaction to my touch…God, she’d been one hell of a fuck.

“What you looking at?” Louis questioned immediately, picking up on my wandering gaze.  He threw his eyes over his shoulder, casting them over her before a smirk formed on his lips.

“Ooooh, it’s Little Miss Fuckable!”

I groaned, “Fuck off, Louis, please don’t take the piss again…”

He laughed.  “I can’t help it, Harry.  You banged a sixteen year old.  I could almost take that, but she works for Disney.  Disney, Harry!”

“There’s nothing wrong with working for Disney,” I protested, “And especially not if you fuck like a porn star.”

Zayn interjected briefly.  “I gotta admit, she is fine.  Lucky bastard.”

Niall sniggered.  “Did you do a bit of magic up her Waverly Place?”

“Fuck off!” I sighed, beginning to get very pissed off, “Just lay off, boys, it’s not funny.  We had sex once, get over it.”

Louis smiled teasingly.  “So she never called you, then?”

I glared at him, refusing to answer.

“I’ll take it she didn’t, then.”

Liam winced.  “Ooh, that’s harsh.  Rejected, man.”

“I am not rejected,” I replied, “She probably lost my number.  Or couldn’t read it, I scribbled it pretty quickly.”

“Or maybe she thought your dick was small.”

“LOUIS, I SWEAR TO GOD,” I yelled, quickly lowering my voice when people began to look towards out table.

“Ooh, she’s looking over!” Zayn laughed, saying it in a sing song voice.

“Stop, guys, don’t look,” I growled under my breath.  Right on queue they all ogled in her direction.

“She’s fit, I’ll give you that,” Niall murmured, whistling under his breath.  I moaned, sighing as I gave in and glance up, taking her in properly. 

Her eyes met mine with a jolt of electric, like lightening hitting my fingertips.  The corners of her mouth curled up as she held my gaze, and I allowed mine to copy.  I tore my eyes from hers, taking in her tight blue jeans, the plain white shirt she wore that hugged her chest snugly, looking just a tiny bit in danger of popping open.  The way it revealed her collar bones just a little.  God, I wanted to lick them…

“That way she’s looking at you Harry, you can just tell she wants your cock.”

I sniggered.  “Fuck off, Niall.”

“Seriously though, you should talk to her or something.”

Zayn laughed.  “I think talking will be the last thing on your mind if you go over there.”

I smirked, feeling a little proud of my most recent conquest.  I glanced up at her, finding her gaze was already on me.  To my surprise, one of her eyes dropped into a subtle wink.  I licked my lips slowly, returning the gesture.  She smiled smugly, looking back down to her cereal.

She most definitely wanted my cock…

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