Chapter 3

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That smell, it's consuming me, gun powder and coconut, they shouldn't be together but they are and it's coming from the gorgeous guy In the military uniform with the popping green eyes. He finally walks over to Josh and introduces himself Lt Knightly but I want his first name.
As we get into the cars to head to the wake I turn to Josh "Do you know Lt Knightly's first name and if he is gay?" "Aww has someone got a crush Alpha?" I growl "No he is my mate"
"Congratulations, his name is Payton, I don't know if he is gay, he was very close to Will but Will was straight but never mentioned anything, he didn't seem that interested in Sammy if that helps" I sigh and turn to look out the window. How is this going to work, he isn't submissive he is an Alpha type like me, with people taking orders from him and he is human! What if he isn't gay. One step at a time, let's just talk to him.
That was easier said than done, he spent most of the time hiding from Sammy so I can guess he is gay but maybe doesn't tell anyone due to work.
At the end of the evening as everyone was leaving I made my move "So guys I don't know if you are interested but i own a couple of clubs and wondered if you were free on Friday to go out and celebrate Will" they all looked at Payton, he smiled and my heart almost stopped "Yeah we would like that, Josh has got my number get him to send us over the details" I just wanted to grab him and kiss the life out of him but I with held myself. Josh then came running over "Payton, Payton, Will wanted you to have this box, I haven't opened it so I have no idea what's in it" he hands him the box, everyone is looking at it, I can see in his eyes he is getting a little bit emotional "thank you, I will ummm yeah thank you" they all left with Payton holding the box tightly, my wolf was angry that he was getting upset over someone else but at the same time wanting to hug him and let him know it's going to be ok.
The funeral was Wednesday and it's finally Friday, I'm nervous, I'm never nervous, Payton is already in my head and he has hardly said 2 words to me.
Me Josh and Aiden are already at the club "did you add the extra person for Payton?" I nodded just staring at the door watching people come in "do you know why he wanted the extra ticket?" I said not taking my eyes off the door "not a clue" my eyes widen as my breath got caught in my lungs I think everyone in the club was looking at him all 6foot 2 of him, tight black jean, black boots with a tight fitted dark blue shirt that showed off his muscles and tattoos, the top 2 buttons were undone he smiled and turned his head to talk to someone and the guy put his arm round his shoulders and whispered in his ear I growled causing Josh to grab my shoulder "calm down" he then waved them over, I tried to act normal, the word being tried. We had a round table in the VIP section "Hi guys, thanks for the invite and thanks for adding Matt, he couldn't make the funeral due to.....ummmm work commitments" Josh was eying me then Matt "So Matt how did you know Will?" "So I'm Kni's best friend and I'm in the army with the guys" he said with a smile, this calmed my wolf down a little bit but still something is off between them too. A waitress came over and took our order and quickly returned with our drinks.
We had been dancing and drinking for a couple of hours, I couldn't keep my eyes off him and sometimes he caught me staring multiple times but I also noticed that everyone else was looking at him, girls kept coming up to him making my wolf angry that other people were touching my mate but I was glad he declined everyone. Whilst we were at the table someone walked over to us,
"Kni" he looked up and his face changed to anger he got out and all of us were watching him "you don't get to call me that it's Payton or Lt Knightly only my friends call me Kni" the guy looked broken "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I was lonely" he went to grab his shoulder "don't touch me, you cheated on me and not only that you broke into my house and was living there and fucking other people in my bed whilst I was protecting our country for people like you" the guy looked lost for words "please forgive me" "fuck off" he turned round as Matt walked up to them "Oh look what the cat dragged in, he told you to fuck off, so go" Matt put his arm round him, making my Wolf go crazy I stood up and walked over to them "you would like that Matt, so you can finally get him for yourself" both Payton and Matt laughed "you a bit late to the party, we have been there and done that" Andy pushed Matt, as I got in there "alright time for you to leave" I pushed him towards my security guards. "Sorry guys" Payton said sitting down "just getting rid of the trash hey" Matt said laughing "something like that" I was watching them, you could see that they were close but not in a romantic way so whatever they had was a long time ago.
"So how long have you guys been friends?" They looked at each other "since I was 15 and Matt was 16 so 10 years" Payton stated "Oh by the way, I've heard a rumour about you" pointing to Payton, he cocked his eyebrow "your up for an award" "why, all I did was get my team kidnapped and tortured for a month, I don't think that's what they are looking for, sorry excuse me, I need some air" he got up, Matt was about to follow when I grabbed his arm, "I think he needs some alone time" I needed to find out about Payton and Matt was the best person.
"What's Payton like, Will use to gush about him to Josh all the time" I was resting my head on my arms as Matt took a sip of drink "He is an amazing soldier, I can't explain it, he sees things that we all miss, like a foot sticking out or he will hear something that we all missed, he has saved my butt so many times, that's why I put him up for the award it just happened to be announced at a rather bad time. He is one in a million and I wouldn't want him anywhere else but by my side with my soldiers defending our country, he is my best friend, we have stuck together through all the ups and all the downs"
"Sounds like you love him?" Please say no my wolf whined.
"Of course I love him, he is my brother, I would do anything for him and he would do anything for me, I'm just glad that little idiot Andy fucked up I couldn't stand him, he was using Payton and he just couldn't see it, for someone that can see the little details he sure misses the big ones when it comes to his personal life but probably has more to do with....... Well I shouldn't talk about that, I'm gonna go and find him"

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