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Hey guys.. I know I owe you all a lot of updates on this book. It's been "on hold" for close to two years now... And sadly, it won't be finished... the person I was co-writing it. We broke up not to long ago, I am so so sorry.

I know this comes out of left field, and probably some terrible news to everyone interested in the book, but I might have a few projects lined up that should interest everyone.

I see all the comments, likes, and people putting this in your read lists. And I am super grateful for it, I am grateful that even if it's only 20 minutes that people might read, that I got to make someone happy. I am so sorry that I made everyone wait to get news, or even an update on this.

Again, thank you, thank you for taking the time to read the book. I am very grateful, and I am sorry that I can not continue on this book.



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2021 ⏰

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