Chapter 1: A Close Encounter

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In a time when kings and queens ruled the greatest civilizations in the world, there was no greater kingdom than that of Musutafu in Japan. The bustling town of Kamino, the sights and tourist traps in Esuha City, and most importantly the great castle in the center of Hosu City. And entering the large city from the outskirts of town were Inko Midoriya and her son, Izuku.

Inko Midoriya was an easily recognizable name in this part of the world. She was one of the most skilled hunters of her time. Rumor has it that when she was only 10 years old, she shot down a rather large bird of prey out of the sky with one arrow from her bow, though which bird she had shot has been lost in translation. Only very few of the most elite huntsmen could match her pinpoint accuracy.

Izuku had always looked up to his mom. Ever since he was young, he would watch his mother practicing her aim on wooden targets, and he was always excited whenever she would bring a deer or a wild boar home for their dinner. Even at that young age, Izuku knew he wanted to be just like her. And Izuku, now 16 years old, was more than ready to show his mom what he could do.

The King of Musutafu was recruiting members for a special hunting league, and had sent a letter to Inko directly asking if she would help. Izuku was as excited as ever. He had never been in a big city before, especially not one as hugely well-known as Hosu. He hadn't met a king before either, but he knew this was an extremely big deal to be singled out by the king for a certain task. He hadn't been specific in his letter what exactly Inko would be hunting, but he would probably explain more once they reached the castle.

It was Izuku's dream to become a great hunter. Whenever his mom had gone out for long hours at a time, he would have some target practice of his own. He would take one of his mother's crossbows and aim at the small targets, always trying to aim for a bullseye. Of course, the first 50 times he would miss. But nevertheless he kept trying, and over the course of time his form got better and he was able to better his aim. By this time, he was sure he could hunt something out in the wild.

Sure, he had only gotten a bullseye about 70 times out of the 700 tries, but he was still confident in his abilities.

As Izuku was lost in thought about his first actual hunt, he was startled when the cart he was sitting on had suddenly stopped.
"Izuku, dear. You can hop out now. We're here", his mother called from the front of the cart.
"All right, Mom", Izuku called back as he jumped out of the back of the cart. As he walked around the side, he could see the huge castle standing just meters away.

The high and mighty stone castle was by far the largest structure Izuku had ever seen. Its high drawbridge opening, its spiralling turrets, and its tall towers that almost reached the sky. All he could do was stare in awe at the beauty and brilliance in the architecture.

Inko had come around to see Izuku looking up at the castle. It was Izuku's first time outside of their small home in the woods, and she had been afraid her son would get too curious and wander off on his own. Of course, she knew better than to think that. Izuku was almost a man now, he should be able to explore the world and make his own decisions. But even so, Inko wanted to keep her only child, her baby, safe and sound until he left home. Inko pulled her traveling cloak a little closer around herself and approached her son.
"Come along, Izuku. The king's waiting for us."
Izuku snapped out of his momentary daze and looked back at his mother.
"Oh, right. Coming, Mom!"
He walked up and stood next to his mother, and they both walked into the castle door.

The throne room was a large oblong shape decorated in red tapestry. On the walls were large framed pictures of previous kings and queens, depicting some of their greatest achievements. A long red carpet lined the walkway Inko and Izuku were walking on, which led them to the magnificent golden throne. Upon that throne sat the King of Musutafu, Enji from the royal bloodline of Todoroki. Due to his risky missions and continuous strife on the battlefield, he was nicknamed Enji the Endeavourous. He looked towards his guests with a look that others might find intimidating, which just goes to show just how powerful of a man he truly was.

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