Dear Marthy

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It's probably weirding you out that I'm writing you a letter and all but you know I suck at being serious at normal conversations and I want to tell you something without making you feel that I'm making fun of you.

I wanted to give you reasons not to leave Delish but I know that wouldn't be fair. I spent practically our entire friendship convincing you that you deserve better because you do. God knows I hate it when you start doubting yourself because people around here tell you that you're not up to par. They're right actually because you're more than the best. I wish you could see that the way we do. The way I do.

I guess it's time to tell you that my relationship with Faith is reaching rock bottom. I owe to tell you this much since I practically dragged you into our relationship. I wouldn't bore you with details since I figured you pretty much have the general idea. Like when I beg you to write those apology letters and love letters that were simply not important to her. We weren't just as in love as we were, you know? I guess people and feelings really can change much. I know you tried your best to mend what you can but you can only do so much. In the end, we both decide what can help us live better. And I guess soon we'll realize that we need to be apart.

Anyway, I know I need to thank you for a lot of things. Like a lot of them and also apologize for many things. Like calling you Marthy, for example. I just really want to call you some other name that people haven't called you because I want you to know that I'm calling you. I'm sorry for snapping at you when I'm mad. I can never be mad at you. Thank you for being my best friend despite of my temper and really bad eating habits. Thank you for talking to me in the middle of the night when I'm drunk. For keeping my head straight when I'm out of it when Faith and I fight. And for always believing in me and telling me I'm an awesome writer.

And I guess there's no other way to say this but I like you a lot. I couldn't tell you because I was scared that you'd laugh and think I'm not serious or you'd completely shut me out of your life. I know you aren't accustomed to knowing the feelings of liking someone and I don't want you to run away from me. Please don't think that you're driving something between Faith and I. Me falling for you and Faith and I fighting are of two different worlds.

I like you because I love everything about you. I'd probably have to dedicate an entirely different page if I were to list all the things I love about you so I'll just settle with because you have my heart. You have completely occupied that space that I'm saving for that person I'd like to have beside me for the rest of my life.

I know my confession is of bad timing because you're leaving to find yourself and to take a leap of faith. It'd take time but I'll wait. I'll wait for you as you let this all sink in. I'm not counting on my luck or a great miracle that you'd feel the same but I thought you should know. It would kill me to keep this to myself when you're being you, the always doubtful that you'll be swept off your feet by a guy deserving of your love. I pray to God that whoever does have your heart realizes how much of a lucky bastard he is. If he doesn't, you can always come to me to knock some sense out of him.

Stay in touch, all right? I'll definitely miss seeing you everyday but you need this. And just know that if you're scared to jump alone, I'll go with you. And if you get hurt jumping alone, I'll take care of you.

I'll always be on the other side, waiting for you.

Your cutest best friend,

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