Puppy space info

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puppy triggers

rock candy
basically anything cromchy
squeaky toys
being called a good boy/girl/puppy
hanging my head out windows
getting treats

puppy verbal ability

little to none. one word at best.

puppy hand usage

none. they turn into my "paws". i dont like using my fingers when puppy.

when puppy i crawl

puppy personality

literally a puppy. i get hyper and play then need to rest before repeating. loves pets and laying near people

Activities for when I'm puppy

Walks with owner (with or without leash depending on where we walk at)

Puppy play dates

Learning tricks and commands or doing tricks and commands I know (one of my favorite activities)

Chewing on hard candy (treats)

Playing fetch

Chewing on stuffies or toys that make noise

Getting pet

Treats consist of pez, rock candy, and some sweet cereal like cocoa puffs or capn crunch

Punishments for when I'm puppy

Crate time

No treats


Have to wear a Muzzle (punishment for biting or barking for no reason)

No belly rubs

Rewards for when I'm puppy

Extra play time

Extra treats

Extra pets

Verbal praise

Guide to my pet and age regressionWhere stories live. Discover now