Differences in my ages

120 1 0

Difference in little age


Nonverbal, speaks in only babbles and pointing

Prefers a bottle

Very very clingy. Can't be alone.

Will crawl


Can speak, can't say large words or do Numbers, okay at colors and animals. shortened versions of words for easier speech. Will prefer pointing and need encouragement to speak.

Very clingy, will walk and crawl.

Prefers a bottle


Better speech and vocabulary, still uses shorter words, bad at Numbers, good at colors and animals. will point less but still need encouragement.

Clingy. Will walk.

Prefers sippy cup.

Four to six

Good speech and vocabulary, shorter words. Learning numbers, very good at colors and animals. Minimal pointing.

Clingy, will walk.

Prefers sippy cup.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2021 ⏰

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