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Some background information. Heeseung is a grade older than the 02 line. Y/N is a part of the 02 line as well and Sunoo, Niki and Jungwon are in the same grade.

Author's POV:

She turned around to see 7 boys staring at her.

"What are you doing here? Did you follow us here? Tch" Jay spoke, clearly irritated over the fact that they couldn't have privacy.

"Wait you're Y/N? Kang Y/N right?" The youngest one spoke, pointing his index finger towards her.

"Yes and why are you guys here?" She spoke, clearly annoyed at the fact that her peace time was disturbed.

"What do you mean? We came here for some peace" Jay answered back a bit too rudely

"Well then you can go away cuz you're clearly disturbing my Peace" She spoke while eyeing them. She knew who they were

The school heartthrobs. Almost every girl drooled over them. Good grades, good looks and rich family background. Of course they were everyone's favourite.

They were a bit taken back at the girl's remark. Never in their life did someone talked back to them.

"Who even are you?" Jay spoke a bit loud.

"Your worst nightmare" she spoke, a little smirk settling in her lips.

"Ooooo" Sunoo snickered while wiggling his eyebrows towards the others.

"For your information: I came here first. This has been my spot for so long. So you guys should maybe....GET LOST" She spoke with a sinister grin making it's way towards her lips

The boys made their way towards her. Taking in her looks, she seemed pretty decent.

"I thought you were a shy girl considering the fact that you never really speak but I'm quite surprised" the Australian said while scratching the back of his neck

"Life is full of surprise Jake-si~" she spoke in an almost humming tune.

She then sat down on the bench not wanting to meddle with the boys anymore. The guys were still a bit shocked from what just happened now.


She picked her things up and got up. She made her way towards the boys who were now seated on the bench parallel to her.

"Well today was surprising. Thanks for ruining my lunch" she spoke while looking at all of them

"BYE boys!" She said as she made her way back to class

"Oh and one more thing..... The door gets stuck so be careful" she smiled wickedly before slamming the door hard.

Their eyes widened as they realized what happened. Jay ran towards the door and made an effort of pulling it. Tough luck if you ask me.

"FUCK" the blonde boy yelled as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Well that was interesting" Sunghoon remarked while chuckling.

Eventually the boys were successful in opening the door. They quickly hurried their way to their classes. Jay, Sunghoon and Jake tried their best to possibly enter the class without getting caught but failed.

"Where have you guys been? It's been two hours since the lunch ENDED. Meet me after class" the teacher spoke clearly annoyed at the fact that the boys interrupted his lesson.

She sat in the corner, chuckling to herself. Never did she thought, there would be a day where school would be fun. She could sense a pair of eyes glaring towards her. She saw the blonde boy glaring, biting the inside of his mouth indicating that he was pissed.

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