FaceTiming Cassie

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Louis's POV

"Yes. She's coming on Tuesday." Josie says. Justin turns a bit in his sleep, so I rub his back a little, and then turn back to Harry.

"Oh, that's cool! She's been gone for a while now." Harry says.

It took a lot out of me not to jump into his arms, and tell him I'm in love with him. I really wish I could, but I couldn't help but think about how it will ruin our friendship.

Harry's amazing voice cuts me from my thoughts, "LOUIS!!!" He calls out and tackles me with a hug. I wrap my arms around him and take in his scent.

"Hey Haz." I say, a large smile planted on my face. Josie smirks at me, right before crying is heard next to me.

"Ugh Harry!! You idiot!!" Josie yells and picks up a crying Justin from the couch.

"Sorry.." He mumbles and gets off of me, making the warm feeling I had disappear.

Josie pulls the small boy into her arms, cradling him. He soon falls back asleep. She sighs in relief, then heads to his bed room to lay him down, leaving Harry and I on the couch alone.

"So what's up, Loubear?" He asks, with a gorgeous, large smile on his face. I couldn't help but stare at the boy in front of me. Here I was, in love with him, and he didn't even have the slightest bit of a clue.

I smile back at him, "Nothing much, Haz. Josie and I just got back from Starbucks, and we have to start getting ready for Cassie to come. You know how she's gotten a bit 'high maintenance' since becoming a singer." I say, while rolling my eyes.

"That's true. I remember she almost made me straighten my curls for a concert!! MY curls!!" Harry says, while getting worked up. This boy really cares about his curls.

"Oh yea I remember that! Josie had to take the straightener away from Cassie, and then pull her away." I say, laughing.

"And I almost started crying." Harry says, making me chuckle.

"Haz, you DID cry!!" I say, and he blushes for a second, then has a smirk on his face.

"And you were there to comfort me." He says and winks. Now it's my turn to blush.

"He sure was!!" Josie's voice rings through my ears. I look up at her and she winks, then heads over to Niall.

Harry and I both share a laugh, right before he says, "I gotta pee!!" and runs to the bathroom.

I laugh to myself, when my phone starts ringing.

"Hello?" I answer, without looking at the caller ID.

"LOUIS!!" A girls voice I knew too well blares through my cell phone.

"Hey Cassie." I say.

"Why do you seem so calm? I haven't talked to you in weeks!!" She says, quite surprised.

"Well, thats what I'm trying to figure out. Why are you calling me now?" I say.

"Don't be rude, Lou. I just wanted to tell you that I'm coming on Tuesday, if you didn't already know. And today is...today is...uhh-" I hear muffling noises, "Babe, what day is it?" It seems as if she's talking to someone that's with her.

"Sunday." A VERY familiar voice says.

"Oh yea, thanks. Anyways, Louis, it's Sunday, so we'll be there in two days!!" Cassie says.

"Wait, who's we?!? And is that-" I'm cut off by Cassie.

"Okay bye Lou!!! See ya!!!" She says and hangs up. Just like that.

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