author's note

58 10 20

Hello gamers

First off, Rubix owns the story and the characters, I'm just a fan leeching off them.

Secondly, if you know me, you know my track record with finishing things. Having said that, I really do hope to finish this, mainly cause it's not that long and I already have most of it written and mainly cause it didn't need world building so writing is just a little bit easier.

I'd encourage you to stick around, maybe add it to your library or reading list or leave a comment or a vote. If you want to, of course. This is a democracy, not a dictatorship.

For the convenience of the plot, we're gonna assume that there was 2-3 year gap between Delilah's birth and the events of chapter 22.

Lastly, please don't be rude in the comments.

That's all, I admit I've forgotten how to do an author's note since I haven't written on Wattpad in so long but I hope this suffices.

copyright © RubixCube89201 for the characters and the world of The Good Girl's Bad Boys

Dedicated to Rubix, of course, and fellow Bennett simp idkwhojesuis

Thanks to Hershey for beta reading the impulse idea I had and letting me know it wasn't completely shit :)

I hope you guys like it,
Hazel <3

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