4. The New Chief

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"Beginning" Arc


5th floor, HYBE Cafeteria.

 "Can you believe it? It was just a goddamn suggestion! And she went on a witch hunt on my first board meeting... just because she's still salty that I called her out on her mistake in front of the *President the day before. Does that make sense to you?"

Beomgyu poured out all the indignation he had been bottling up since morning to his only trusted friend in this cruel world- Choi Soobin.

 "As much as I love being your counsellor, my dude, I suggest you pipe it down a little. Eyes and ears are everywhere. We could get snitched." Soobin peered around warily. The two of them were sitting side by side on a bench near a glass window and a bit far away from the cafeteria table - as the bluerette made his own break time - an hour after the latest of Beomgyu's chain of unfortunate events took place.

 "Sorry," the noirette mumbled half-heartedly. He already had a plan to drag Soobin to the nearest grill after work anyway, might as well blow off his steam with some booze while he vents on Soobin about the demon that took the form of his sister accusing him of "conflict of interest" when all he did was advising an unconventional policy to change the Tokyo branch's management for the better.

 Grimacing, the newly assigned team head proceeded about the incident that happened not long ago. "What's even worse is, I got physically assaulted by a lowlife right after I got here."

 "Well, what did you say or do to them first?" Soobin raised a discerning brow, knowing it wouldn't make sense to be attacked for no reason unless Beomgyu couldn't keep his shitty mouth shut, which was possibly the case.

 "His eyes were on his stupid phone before he bumped into me and I spilt my coffee over him, by accident though. So I told him off and he was salty about it - as to how short people should be, but he was way too dramatic - said I ruined his day and then stepped on my foot." The deputy head almost spat out the almond milk he was drinking, before cackling up like a dolphin practising his vocals.

 "Really, Soobin? You're laughing at your friend's pain now?"

 "I'm- sorry- that's sad- and funny at the same time- can't even-" The taller male couldn't even finish his sentence as he broke into a fit of laughter mixed with coughs.

 "Ahem- sorry. So, that's why you told me to pick you up. Man, that must've hurt."

 "No shit, Soobin, my foot definitely didn't hurt after being crushed and twisted in the same spot." Amused at his friend's sarcasm, the bluerette sported a sad - not genuinely - laughter before continuing the conversation.

 "As far as I could tell, you've been dealing with a lot of salty(?) people. All I could say is that our team may not be the best place for you to shine, but at least you have a friend to vent your issues out." The taller male placed a hand on his friend's shoulder. "So, hang in there, my dude. By the way, I can arrange an after-work dinner if you wanna get to know my tea-"

 "Thanks but I'll pass. I'm barely holding up with all of this right now. I want to get things done quickly so I can rest." Soobin nodded understandingly.

 "Makes sense. Oh and treat that foot well when you get home. I'd be lying if it's not funny that our new Head Manager, the Choi Beomgyu, got his foot crushed on his first day here by a- Ow!" Before Soobin could even utter the rest of his sentence, Beomgyu whacked the back of his neck.

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