Chapter 1

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Every relationship will have that phase, the happy phase and the falling out phase. Your marriage is not an exception. "Kenma.. Dinner is ready" you opened the door slightly as you could see him playing like usual "I'll be there in minutes.. You go ahead eat first". Quietly you closed the door as you sighed. An hour passed and you still waited for him. Another hour passed yet you didn't even hear the door open. Your food has gone cold, you sighed as you heat them up again. That's when you heard his door open, "Y/n? Are you still cooking? I thought you said the food was ready". "A-ah.. I was just-" not even finished your words, you saw him not wearing his usual clothes ''Well, it's alright. I will eat outside. Ah, I will probably be back late since I will meet up with Shoyo. I will use the spare key.". He didn't even give you a chance to talk as he just took his leave, not even bothering to look at you as his eyes fixed to his phone. "...Have a safe trip.." you mumbled as you heard the front door being closed. Turning the stove off, you can't help but end up sobbing. Again wondering where did you go wrong? Why did he change this much?

You saw how your husband's behaviour kept changing. He rarely eats with you and spends most of his time in his studio. He even locked the door. You are his wife but you aren't that much different from all his fans. You see and hear his voices more through his streaming channels rather than seeing him in person. You sighed as you lay on the bed that you shared with him. The space beside you used to be warm and now it's cold. You missed him. You never demand many things from him since you know how he hates clingy people. Closing your eyes, you try to cheer yourself up by remembering all the good memories from the past. That's enough to bring a smile to your face.

"But Kenma.. You promised that today we will-" you could hear him sighed and looked quite annoyed. 'Ah..He..will get angry..', you then weakly smiled at him "Well.. I guess it can't be helped.. It's alright. I will go by myself". "Yea. Sorry about this. I just forgot that I promised to do this with my friends for the LAN party" he somehow sighed in relief as he looked at you awkwardly "Thanks for being understanding". He leaned to give your lips a soft kiss. That is enough to make your heart flutter and your cheeks blushed. You brightly smiled at him "Have a safe trip then.. Please don't come back too late". Nodded his head, again he left you. Today was supposed to be your special day and like last year he has promised you to celebrate your birthday. Taking you for a date and all but again like last year, he forgot. You took a deep breath "Well! Let's have fun today!! He gave me the card so let's spend it!!". You chirped, trying to cheer yourself up.

-Kenma's POV-

He was standing there with a hat on and a mask. He wore glasses to make sure people didn't recognise him. "Kenken!!" he could feel someone hugging him from behind. A smile could be seen on his face as he turned his back and hugged her back "You are late". "Sowwy~ I was streaming and lost track of time~ Did you miss me?" she looked up at him as he chuckled. "Of course I'm. Say mina-chan, I don't think I could stay up late tonight.." he could see her pouting as she clung to his arm"Is it your wife? Nee~ Ken-chan~ When will you tell her? You said you will leave her~". "Soon, ok? I'm working on it.. Shall we go? You've been wanting to eat at that cafe right? I've reserved it for us".

-End of Kenma's POV-

You looked at yourself in the mirror as you sighed before back forcing a smile on your face. You feel he keeps distancing himself from you. Deep inside you know what he has been hiding. Deep inside you know he is seeing someone else, but you turned a blind eye about it. Pretending you knew nothing. You bit your lip, you know he is probably tired of you and he is probably bored of you. Wiped away your tears, you then head to his studio room. "Kenma..?" you knock on his door, "What?". You heard his cold voice as you bitterly smiled "I..will go for a walk.. I already prepared lunch for you.. Please don't forget to eat". You stood there, waiting for his reply but you heard nothing and only the sounds of clicking keyboards from inside the room. Take your leave, you grab your bag and your coat. Heading out the house.

"You should tell him, y/n" Shirabu sighed as you sat there in silence. "How long..." you clutch your skirt tight "Depends.. Look, are you sure you want to go through chemotherapy alone? You can't survive with only medicines anymore.. Y/n.. These medicines are not working anymore-". "I will be alright.. Please schedule everything for me.. Don't worry.." you gave him a reassuring smile. He clenched his fist before sighed, he knew how stubborn you are. After all, you are his childhood friend. "I will put you on the list for transplant too.. But you really should tell him about this, y/n.. There are indeed 89% chances these medications could help your Hodgkin's diseases.. But just.. In case.. The worst case is you only have 5 years" heard that, you nodded your head "I will tell him when I found the right time.. Thanks, Kenjiro..". Putting your coat back, he grabs your hand "I will drive you home.. Give me ten minutes..". Nodding your head, you sit waiting for him outside of his office.

That night you had a huge fight with Kenma. He saw that shirabu sent you back home. Jealousy took over him. You explained to him that you've done nothing for what he accused you of. He accused you of sleeping with another man. "It was just an excuse right?! You and your stupid everyday walks!!". "I'm not!! I would never cheat on you, Kenma!! I love you!!" you sob as he just scoffed and shook his head "..I should've never married you in the first place..". Your eyes widened when heard him saying that, you could feel your heart shattered. "You..didn't mean it.. Please take those words back.. TAKE IT BACK!!!" saw you in an outburst like that, he realised he went too far but his pride took better of him "SHUT UP! Why do you always have to be so dramatic over everything?! God! I can't stand you!". You could see him about to leave as you hurriedly cling to his arm "Where are you going?! Are you going to see her?!". His body froze when heard you say that but he just gave you a cold glare while pulling his arm away "I'm not you. It's none of your business.". "I'M YOUR WIFE!" your scream in frustration at him, yet that didn't stop him from leaving the house "KENMA!!". You tried to run after him but he just slammed the front door closed, you fell on your knees as you just sat there. Cried on top of your lungs. 

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