"I don't celebrate birthdays"

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Brookelyn woke up in her room, she couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. It was so passionate that it left butterflies in her stomach. She bit her bottom lip just thinking about it.

Dear Diary,

I know I haven't written in a while. But a lot has happened. First off I had my very own first kiss. Me and my mother haven't talked since our fight. And something has happened to Darren, I am not sure what but he is definitely not acting like himself. - Brookelyn

As soon as Brookelyn stopped writing she heard her mom open the door. "Hi mom", she said. "Look about our fight-", Bonnie said before she interrupted her. "It's okay Mom I understand", she said smiling. "You seem in a good mood. Is it a boy", she asked intrigued. "Mom", she whined but still smiling. "Tell me everything", She said. "Ok so I kissed a guy and he is really sweet. And I think I might even have feelings for him", Brookelyn said. "Aww", she said. "What", Brookelyn asked. "You just never talk to me like this. You have grown so much", She said. "Mom are you going to cry", Brookelyn asked. "Maybe", she said giggling. Brookelyn giggled with her. "Okay but now I have to lay some ground rules", she said still laughing. "Oh no Mom not the talk", Brookelyn joked.

Dear Journal,

I did something that I completely regret. I kissed a girl. I might have feelings for her. And now I might have put her in harm for just admitting to it in a journal. I know that if Rebel ever figures out that she would use this against me. I honestly have no clue what she is up to. And that is what scares me. And she still hasn't solved the situation with Darren, which frightens me even more. I do not know what I am going to do.
- Callan

Callan heard a sound come from the outside of the house. He put his journal down on the desk infront of him and got up. He opened the door and felt a whoosh walk passed him. Before he could turn around he felt someone pin him on the floor. He opened his eyes to see Everly. Everly is an old friend of his. They dated for ten years but it didn't last. Luckily, they are still in good terms.

"Everly", He said smiling. "Hi", she said still on top of him. "I would hug you but your knee is crushing my rib", he groaned. "Oh right. Sorry", she said getting off of him.

Everly had a light wavy brown hair that stood just right below her shoulders. She had light blue eyes like the sky during the day. She had freckles around her nose and cheeks.

"So what are you doing here", Callan asked. "Well it's not everyday a guy turns 101", she said. He rolled his eyes, not at her but about the fact that today was his birthday. "Don't remind me", he groaned. "Happy birthday", she said smiling again.

Meanwhile in Darren's House

He got out of his house and looked across the street there he saw Brookelyn. He walked up to her "What the hell", He yelled. "What", she asked. "Oh don't act so innocent I know ", He said. "Look if you are mad that I kissed Callan it only happened once", she said. At that moment Darren's heart shattered "What do you mean you kissed Callan", He asked. "Um I don't have time to explain this right now but maybe we can talk later", She said walking away.

Brookelyn was going to Callan's house. She knew it was probably wrong, but she just needed to confront what happened. When she made it to the house she saw a car parked on the side.

She knocked on the door. When someone opened. She saw a girl there smiling. "May I help you", the girl asked. Brookelyn stood there on a trial of thought "Um no. It was a bad mistake anyways. I'll just come back later", She said about to leave. "Brookelyn"said Callan making her head turn to face him.

She looked down at him to realize he was buttoning his shirt. At that moment she had the urge of hunger but not for food. She remembered their intense kiss. And the way he touched her made her feel these butterflies that were just instant. She didn't know what love was like, but she was sure that was the feeling.

"Come in", said Callan making his hand wave towards him. Brookelyn walked into the room uncomfortable knowing there was a girl here. "Who is this", She asked. "This is Everly", said Callan. "Nice to meet you", Everly said showing her dimples. "You too", She said smiling back. "Well me and Everly were just about to leave. But I can stay for awhile if you want to talk", He said. "No I am sure you two have plans", She said. "Are you here for his birthday", Everly asked. "Um no I didn't know that", Brookelyn said turning to face Callan. He looked down at her.

"Oh I am sorry", Everly said "No-no. I-it's fine", she said. "Well I just made this awkward", Everly said having a slight chuckle at the end. "I'll be waiting in the car", She said eyeing Callan. Everly walked out of the door and shut it.

Once the door shut Brookelyn walked over to him. "Why didn't you tell me it's your birthday", She asked. "It's just I don't celebrate birthdays", Callan said. "I thought it was no big deal", He said. "Of course it is", She said. "Especially after-", she said stopping herself. "Our kiss", He finished her sentence. She looked up at him making eye contact then looked away. "Look I get it if you don't celebrate but I would still like to-", She said before he touched her lips with his. She was surprised and excited at the same time. She felt him put his hands on her waist. And she pulled him closer to her as their lips joined. He stopped and stood away turning his head.

"What's wrong", She asked. His veins were showing he tried to relax. But they wouldn't fade away. He cleared his throat and said"Nothing. I just have something in my eye". "Let me see", she said trying to move his head to face her with her hand. His veins started to fade away.

He turned around to face her. His face was veins free. "Are you alright", She asked worried. "I just ruined the moment", He said laughing. "No you didn't", She said smiling gazing into his eyes ; kissing him once again.

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