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I woke up the next morning and turned over, Logan was laying next to me. I looked at the clock, it read 6:43 am. I reached for my phone and looked through my social media accounts until I got bored. I turned and looked at Logan who was, of course, still sleeping. I decided to get up even though it was just after 7:30 in the morning. I went and took a shower, got dressed, and blow dried my hair. When I was done, I was surprised to see Logan no longer in bed.
"Babe?" I yelled.
"Down here" he said from what I assumed to be the kitchen. I fixed my hair again and went downstairs. He was drinking coffee at the breakfast bar.
"Hey" I said
"Helloooo gorgeous. What's the plan for today?"
"Well if you weren't up I was going to go get Reecey, but since you're up you can come with." I told him, and sat down on a stool next to him.
"Ok, I can be ready in 20" he said, standing up and kissing my head.
"Love you!" I yelled after him, and he yelled it back. I smiled and made a cup of my favorite tea. I sat drinking it until he came back down, and we got in the car and headed off to get the baby.

*20 mins later*

"We're here! How was she?!" We yelled through the door. Avia came and let us in and I ran into the living room to surprise Daxton. I swear he's like our second kid. He was playing on the floor, he was almost 3 now.
"Hi little dude!" I said to him "Where's Reece?"
"He's in mommy daddy's room" he said. Just like any other 3 year old he didn't have the language down just yet.
"Thanks bud" I said and set him down to play again. Logan had to pee for literally the whole drive so I assumed that's where he was. I walked up to Shay and Collettes room and knocked on the door. I heard Shay say something to Reece and I walked in
"HI BABY GIRL!" I said and made her smile her gummy little smile. I picked her up and gave her a kiss. "Were you a good girl for your aunt and uncle and cousins?" I asked, more to Shay than Reece.
"She was wonderful like we knew she would be" Colette replied from the other side of the room.
I kissed Reece again and Logan came in.
"There are my girls, how was she?" He asked.
"Apparently she did really well" I said.
"She didn't scream for hours on end?" Logan asked them.
"Nope. The only time she cried was when she was hungry or dirty, and rumor has it that she likes those little yogurt melts. She might like real food now, like baby food" Shay told us. I hadn't really thought about it, I guess I didn't realize she was that old already. I fought the urge to start crying right there because she was growing up so fast. As if she could read my mind, she laid her head on my shoulder, like she was showing us she was still little. It made me smile, and I ran my head over the side of her face and snuggled her closer.
"Looks like someone's getting tired." Logan said.
"Yeah. It's almost nap time, we should probably get her home." I said.
"You can put her down here and hang out with us if you want, Carlie is coming over with Cooper and Steve." Colette said. I shrugged my shoulders and nodded, and looked at Logan for his opinion. He said yes, and they told me to put Reece in Daxtons old crib in the other room. He didn't use it anymore but they still kept it around just in case. I rocked her in my arms for a minute until I was sure she was asleep, then put her in the crib. I shut the door and turned around, right into Logan.
"I know what you were thinking back there" he said smiling.
"And what would that be?" I asked him, though I was pretty sure he really did know. I totally wanted another baby. Like, ASAP.
"You want to have another one don't you?" He said, smirking again. I nodded my head and gave him puppy eyes. He smiled a big smile and nodded back. We kissed, and went into the living room together and sat down on the couch. Nobody was watching the tv, so we turned it on to a news channel.
"Ew this is boring tv let's watch Disney!" Brock said from behind us.
"Alright, you can put it on then" I said, handing him the remote. He flipped through the guide until he came to Disney channel and turned it on. A cartoon was on, and Daxton must've heard it from wherever he was, because we heard screeching and running down the hallway, when suddenly-
And he screamed in pain. I got up and ran to him. He had a huge bump on his forehead already,and was holding his left wrist. I pulled him into my arms and tried to comfort him, it wasn't working. We all called for Shay or Colette to come help. Shay came sprinting first, and lifted him from my arms.
"D-Dddaddy my h-hhhand and my head" he sputtered through sobs.
"You'll be okay baby Dax. We're going to bring you to the doctor okay?" Shay consoling him.
"Can you stay with them for us?" Colette asked quickly
"Of course!! Go!" I said back, she thanked us and ran out the door to get in the car with Shay and Daxton. Seconds later we heard the garage door close and saw them speed down the road in the direction of the hospital. I turned around to see all the kids peering through the doorway. Emmi was the first to speak up.
"Is he ok?" They all looked scared.
"I think he'll be okay. He may have a broken hand but I think he's going to be alright." I told them. Brock looked concerned still, but the rest of the kids seemed to get less tense.
"Hey, what do you say we play a game?" Logan said to everyone.
"Yeah!" The kids said, and raced down the stairs to get their favorite game, which apparently right now is Twister.

30 minutes after they left, I got a text from Colette- "No broken bones, head is okay. Just bruises and bumps."
I physically sighed with relief.
"Is it mom? What did she say?" Avia said, somehow sensing that it was about Daxton. I handed her the phone and she did the same sigh as me. I smiled at her. Just then, we heard Reece wake up. I sat up to go get her, but Avia stopped me.
"Can I go get her? Please?" She asked me.
"Sure, be careful!" I called after her. Logan and the rest of the kids were out in the back on the trampoline, while Avia and I were inside watching a movie.
I closed my eyes just thinking for a second. Could we handle having another baby? How many kids did I want to have? Ugh. I was starting to get a headache. I opened my eyes and looked in my purse for my pack of Advil. I took 2 and put the rest back in the bag. Avia came back in carrying Reece and Reece carried her pink blanket. She looked crabby until she saw me, and smiled. I reached my arms out for her and Avia handed her over to me.
"Did you change her for me?" I asked Avia, her diaper wasn't wet.
"Yeah, isn't that what you do?" She replied.
I told her yes, and thanked her. "You really didn't have to do that, I could have you know."
"I know. I don't mind." She said shrugging her shoulders, and went to the fridge for a yogurt. Just as she sat back down, the garage door opened and in walked Shay, Colette, and Daxton.
"Hiiii buddy!" I said walking to Daxton. I stuck my free arm out to see if he wanted a hug, he nodded so I took Daxton in one arm and had Reece cuddled in the other. She needed some mom cuddles after nap or she was a freaking bear.
"You're tough aren't you! Did they take pictures of your bones?" I asked him, he nodded and started to turn back into his old self, explaining that his bones weren't broken and that his head was only "a little hurt". I told him that was very good, and he immediately asked if he could go play now. I set him down and he ran off somewhere to play. I turned my attention back to my own child and held her close to me again. I turned around to see the moment being captured on the vlog. I stuck my tongue out at him and smiled.
I'm kinda glad the vlogs are there, so I can relive times like those for when life is rough, or when it doesn't feel so worth it.

YIKES it's been forever, sorry guys! I just noticed that this has 1.02K reads!!! Thank you so much!!! Ilysfm!

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