🥀Chapter Twenty Five🥀

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"Are you sure you're alright? You didn't tell me about your date with Franco. I know it's none of my business but I just wanna know how it went".

I looked at Devin as he sat at the table as he typed something on his laptop. He has been typing since I woke up and I showered, made breakfast and he still hasn't finished. I was in a bad mood today and I hated the reasons as to why.

I couldn't tell Devin what happened because then I would have to tell him about my past. I wasn't the one to listen to people's opinions about my life but if he were to say something hurtful, it would shatter me because we had gotten closer over the past months. I didn't feel like lying to him either but what choice do I have?.

"It went well actually ; he took me to a very expensive restaurant", I replied as he nod slowly as if he didn't believe me. I guess I was really a terrible liar. But I was thankful that he didn't prolong it and asked more questions. He went back to typing and I left my seat to go do the dishes.

"So, since today is sunday, I was thinking why not have a barbecue?".

I glanced at Devin who was already looking at me. I shrugged before going back to the dishes. There was nothing wrong with BBQ but as I said, I was in a bad mood.

"Vanessa, you know you can talk to me right?".

"What do you mean?", I replied as I tried to read his expression. He had his elbow on the table as he rest his cheek in his palm. He was definitely trying to figure me out.

"I don't like how you look. This isn't the Vanessa I know. You seemed really pissed and hurt about something and don't think about lying to me because I know. So are you going to talk to me or not?".

This time I placed my hands on my sides as I looked at him. He seemed desperate for me to tell him what was really happening in my life. I know that he cared about me but he wouldn't understand why most things are best kept unsaid.

"Devin I-

"Here's the deal. I'll tell you my problem and you'll tell me yours".

I sighed because I knew that there was no way of escaping this. I groaned before agreeing and his face lit up before he took my arm and pulled me up the stairs.

"Devin what are you doing?", I asked in a lazy voice when we finally reached the top of the stairs.

"We are going out to my favourite spot. Get dressed and I'll see you in half an hour".

He walked away before I could even protest. I didn't want to go out. I wanted to lay in my bed and be at peace. Why can't we just talk here? I groaned before entering my room and closing the door. My phone was buzzing and I checked to see a message from Franco.

I felt a wave of bad feelings hit me and I sat on the bed to keep myself from falling. My hands trembled as I reached under my blouse and touched the burn mark. I remembered that day. It was one of the worst experiences I've ever had when I was working for Zed.

I was laying there on the red sheets in my mesh stocking and my two - piece lingerie when he came in. He looked cool yet dangerous at the same time. Upon seeing him I thought it would only last for about half an hour but I was wrong. He ravished my body as much as he wanted and when he was done and I tried to leave, I was told that he payed for a lot more time than I can imagine. I was pissed but there was nothing I could do. If I didn't comply I would be punished by Zed.

I went back and laid down as he chuckled before reaching behind him. I was so deep in thought that I didn't realize that he had taken up a cigar and had placed it on my skin. I screamed so much before my palm connected with his cheek. After crying in agony and telling Zed what happened, the man was banned from the place.

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