Chapter 1 Rise of the snakes

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(Skipping explanations
Also I brought Pixal back in her own body and I brought future people as well
Here's the episode)

Wu: (prologue) Long before time had a name, the First Spinjitzu Master created Ninjago using four elemental weapons. But when he passed, a dark presence sought out to collect them all: Lord Garmadon. So I, Sensei Wu, his brother, sought out to find four ninja to collect them first.

Zane: Sensei it is you.

Wu: So it is....

Garmadon: *sighs* I believe in this timeline we're watching I am still evil with a poisoned heart....This will be very difficult to watch

Lloyd: Father are you okay?

Garmadon: I am fine my son.

Ivy: Um creators....WHY AM I HERE?! I wasn't even around during most of this!

*panden slapped her head*

Panden; Shut up.

*wu got angry and had to be held back from attacking the boy who touched his daughter*

Brenda: *grins seeing Lloyd, He was very handsome and strong. He would give her future daughters!*

Karen: *also grins*

(The episode begins at the Monastery of Spinjitzu with Wu meditating in one room, and the ninja are making combat sounds in another room.)

Kai: (off-screen) Fire strike! Oh, my gosh, is that the greatest move you've ever seen?

Cole: (off-screen) Stop trying to do it yourself. We need to attack as a team.

(Wu goes to the training compound and finds that none of the ninja are training there.)

Jay: (off-screen) Zane, why are you wasting your special attack on me? You have to save it.

(Wu goes to look for them in a different room and finds them playing video games.)

Jay: Fantastic, I'm out of lives!

Jay: Ohhhh! We're playing a video game!

Kai: Wait that's our old home...Ohhh! I remember this day! This is when we actually met Lloyd for the first time!

Cole: Oh right! Before this we'd only heard about him,

Lloyd: *groans face palming* Great we're gonna see my bratty self.

*everyone looked at him in sadness, Lloyd was ashamed of his kid self because of how everyone didn't like him, Jay and Cole looked a bit sheepish and Kai patted Lloyd's back*

Zane: But the lesson lives on, and I am getting the hang of it. Hee-yah!

Zane: *deadpans at his past self* I have forgotten how much I've truly evolved

Pixal: This old you surprises me....And I've gotten so used to how you look now.

Zane: Oh right...Back when I....Actually looked like a human

Pixal: I remember when you still looked like that, When we first met

Zane: yes well....The way I was when you met me was only a hint of how....Emotionless I used to be...Yes I showed emotion around you I just acted strange however during these episodes you'll be more and more surprised with how much I've changed

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