Moving school.

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It's 6:30 in the morning bella has only just gotten up, she has this sickness feeling in her stomach. She feels as she is going to throw up, as she makes it to the bathroom she realises today is the day everything changes. She is going to a whole new school with new people new uniforms and new hallways, she's dreading it. She goes downstairs and is greeted by her mother.
"Hey bel, how are you feeling?" Bellas mum says
" I'm excited" Bella reply's
As she continues to grab her toast she runs upstairs to get ready so she isn't late on her first day.She puts her uniform on then decides it's best to leave now so she doesn't miss the bus. She shouts goodbye to her mother and sister and walks down the bus stop. While walking down she sees all the other kids in their uniform she gulps, the sickness has hit her again. She hates being the new kid constantly alone no one to talk to it's the worst Bella's dreading today.
As she gets on the bus goes upstairs to find a seat, she sees so many year 7s screaming and shouting about. How do they have so much energy it's 7:45am ffs Bella thinks to herself. She puts her headphones in and puts on some music to calm her the song 505 starts playing.
The bus pulls up outside the school and Bella thanks the bus driver and gets off, she see all the groups of friends scattered around the yard all taking and having a laugh. She's left alone nothing stuck with nothing but her own thoughts. She checks her timetable to see she has maths first what a shit lesson she thinks. This is gonna be a long day.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2021 ⏰

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