Chapter 11- Lunch

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Chapter 11- Lunch

Angelo's POV

Once the bell for fifth period rang we headed out the door.

"Hey Angelo how was biology?" Jayla asked once I walked out of my class.

"Good just worksheets about DNA that's all nothing big."

"Jayla you should know that all we do in that class is just worksheets don't act all stupid if you didn't know what we always do." said Coral

"Coral what crawled up your ass this morning for you to be mad for no reason?"

"Jayla don't act stupid you put her in this mood this morning. Take responsibilities for your actions please."

"I didn't do anything"

"Jayla who decided it was going to be a good idea to meet the new kid right before I eat tell me who in their right mind decides to piss me off early? But you know what just shut up before I leave you starving for lunch because you know I will eat your food like it or not."

And just like that Coral and Kaitlin walked away from Jayla and me.

"Hey is she always like this? I mean like bipolar?"


"Yeah I mean she was sort of nice with me during fifth and then she just got pissed off." I asked Jayla as we walked our way to the cafeteria.

"No, she is hardly like that. Come on lets go with the rest of the guys to have lunch."

Once we entered the cafeteria Jayla led the way to the table we were sitting at in the morning.

"Hey guys"

"Hey Jayla"

"Hey Angelo how are your classes so far? "

"Good I guess"

"What do you have next period?"

"Computer with Mr. Sulzberg"

"Oh cool that means you have class with Kaitlin and Coral."

"You're slow today Jayla, today is block Wednesday meaning after this we go to seventh, Sulzberg doesn't have a seventh. "

"Actually he does have a seventh."

"Wait, Angelo is Sulzberg your sixth?"

"Oh um Honors English with Clack."

"Oh well then you still have Coral for that class."

"Uh Jayla sorry to break it up to you, but Clack is gone today."

"So what?"

"What Carla is saying is that I am ditching seventh."

"So what you're just going to ditch just like that? What about your attendance or your grades?"

"Jayla we had this conversation before she has a 3.5 GPA and her parents don't care about attendance anymore."

"So Coral answer this where are you going for seventh you can't just walk out of campus."

"Now that is for me to know and you to find out."

"Fine be like that.

"OK who wants lunch then."

For the beginning of lunch the group was arguing for Coral on who she was going yo get in line with. After that happened we all got in line for our lunch. For the rest of lunch there was small talk but a lot of messing around. They reminded me about my friends back at home.

"Hey Angelo its almost time to go do you want me to show you to class?" Jayla asked

"Um sure"

"Coral are you going to go to class?" Jayla looked in Coral's direction

Coral just shrugged her shoulders like contemplating whether she should go to class or not.

"I don't know I'm still contemplating to go or not. Why you want me to show where class is at?"

"I don't know maybe yes, you could just to be nice."

"I guess I could show him where class is at, but I'm not making any promises in staying in class."

Looking at Jayla and seeing a shocked expression on her face, guess she wasn't expecting that answer.

"Hey don't look shocked. I have to go upstairs to my locker and I know if you see me you're going to make me go to class."

Jayla just shrugged and told me to follow Coral. Walking behind her I turned around and noticed that the group didn't even bother to move from the table. Coral guided me through the cafeteria and through the halls and up the stairs to show me where my last class would be at.

"Hey can I ask a question?"

"Sure what's up"

"Are you guys always like that?"


"You and Jayla"

"You mean like aggressive towards each other?"


"Not all the time, when she doesn't piss me off in the mornings."

"Oh I see, so where is our class?"

"Down the hall almost there just have to leave and get some stuff from my locker."

"Are you really going to ditch class?"

"Yeah I am, class gets really boring so yeah why"

"Oh I just thought that you just said that to piss of Jayla."

"Oh no she just does that all by her self she doesn't need any help"


"Yeah so here is class let me just check in get the work and leave just to piss off Jayla?"

"So why do you ditch."

"Just to piss of Jayla."

"But why though?"

"Cuz it's fun getting her pissed off alright I already checked in got the work and now I'm leaving see you tomorrow ."

"Okay see you, bye."

"Bye "

And just like that Coral walked out of the classroom letting the teacher know she was going to do a quizz with the promise of probably coming back to class.

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