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I slept last night directly after what happened with Axel. I was so tired. But Judy didn't come last night. Or she might have gone to Robin's soon enough. I am really getting done with their couple shit.
This is so much cliché. Or maybe I am being extra dramatic.


Let they do whatever the fuck they want.

I was searching for a Coke in the Mini Fridge when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in. "

I said without looking who it was , still searching in the Mini Fridge. I thought it might be Judy.

"Wait a second Judy , I was searching a coke. "

With the Coke in my hand , I turned around and found it was not who I expected it to be. It was Axel.

He stood there in his Shirt and shorts and a sunglass in his Hand. I guess he seemed a bit embarassed after what happened yesterday.

"Hey .... "

I had the coke in my hand Untouched.

"Hi .... "


"Nothing much............ What about you?"

He looked backwards at the door and turned back at me. He just stared at me with his brown eyes. He came near me and took the coke from my hand. Drank some and kept it at the table near me. He took my face in his hands and kissed me.

The Taste of Coke in his lips was wearing off. He cupped my face and kept kissing.
I interpreted in the middle and Took his Hands.

"Axel ......... "

"Yeah. I'm sorry. "

He immediately took back a step.

"I know we are supposed to be friends but I can't see you like that. Gosh. I like you Emma. But I shouldn't say that. I like you as a friend and more than that. I am a very toxic person and I can only hurt you if I let myself out. I don't want you to get hurt. "

He continued.

"But ................... Can we go on some Dates till this Trip ends? Just till that day. After that everything will go back to normal. I promise. This will never be brought up again. And this can be done In a secret way. We don't have to say this to anyone as It doesn't last. Tell me what you think about it. Because I would really like to take you out even for a day. "

Then he left the room.

What am I supposed to say? He was kinda saying it in a bad way and a Good way? I don't know this is so confusing. Well thinking about it , Maybe It helps to know him more. I know for a fact that he is not the person like he shows outside. What is he hiding from me? Some dates with a Pretty boy can't be that badI guess.

Okay , I made up my mind.

I left the room to check if he was still in way. But he was not. I heard the elevator going up. It might be him. So I went up the stairs to look.

Uuughhh how many floors up does he have to go? This is so Tiring !!!!!! I reached at the Top floor Before the elevator and stood infront of it waiting to open.

The Elevator opened but the person who came out of it wasn't Axel. But I heard Him leave from there. Some Baldhead guy came out. Where the hell was he?

I walked towards the deck and heard his voice.

"So you were running for me huh?"

"Haha Yes I was. You really like me Chasing behind ya?! "

"It's nice to have someone Run for you. I guess I can finally take you on our Temporary dates then?"

"Well you better make the food and everything fine. "

He put his hand over my shoulder and we walked back to the Room. In the Same Elevator I ran behind. Geeez. This guy is total bonkers. He took me back to my room and Stayed outside and texted me like a Bodyguard until Judy reached.




The next day I woke up in a Bed empty as Usual. But I can see a package hanging on the Door written my name.

It was almost 6 pm. So I put on that dress and Went outside. And found someone dressed Formal too.

"Shall we go? "

"Yeah. Let's get this finished with. "

He took me to the Top floor of the Cruise. A big hall it seemed.

"Now this is some date. "

"Gotta say , I pulled few strings. "

The date had nice food , nice view and nice music.

When I was Eating , I could notice him staring at me the Whole time.


"Nothing. Just .... You look beautiful in this Dress. "

He said with his fingers pointing me. That's when I noticed a ring on his finger. Never seen that Green stone before on him.

"You into rings? Got a Nice ring there. "

"It's my brother's. I wanted to put it on today because as Long as I remember he was an expert on going out with girls. Like he always knows how to gone dates and stuff. And as it is my date , It feels like I'm being abit more confident today."

"Hmmmm.... "

There was an awkward silence after he spoke about his Brother.

After the food we headed to watch the Music show. Later it turned to a Tango Dance session. I knew Axel was gonna pull me in. I tried my best to change his mind but I fell into his trap. He pulled me in and started moving me into the dance. It was so fast and I don't know how he managed to keep me up with it.

Then I headed to the room and he headed to mine. When I entered the room I got to find Judy sleeping on my bed. I changed and Moved her to the side and could hear her mumble.

"You don't know how much I missed you."


She speaking to me or .......
She was not. Talking in the sleep.
Tonight was nice. But it was not for long.

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