Part 1: Alone in a cave.

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A lot has happened since I arrived in this world. I was stabbed, I died, I reincarnated as a slime and befriended a dragon who is now safely stored in my stomach. Oh, and also, we gave each other new names... Hmm, Rimuru Tempest, yes, definitely a cool fantasy name. Now, if only I could find the exit to this cave! "Great Sage." Are you sure you can't download a map or something?

Attempting to download a map... Error: I lack the level to do a scan of such magnitude.

Eeeeh!? What do you mean, you lack the level? Aren't you like "The Great Sage?"

Affirmative: I'm a Great Sage level 3.

Level 3? What do you mean, level 3? Is there a level system in this world?

Affirmative: Allow me to show your current stats.

My current stats? Oh wow, a screen just popped out in front of me; It must be the doing of "Great Sage." Wooooh! Those are some high Magicule stats for a little slime like me! That is kind of scary to know... Let me see if I have a skill list. Yep, there they are! Those were the things I heard before I died, while the others must be because I'm a slime. While they are low level now, they would help me survive this place.

Warning: There is a large concentration of magicule ahead of us.

In front of...? Oof! Ouch! Well, it didn't hurt. Still, I just walked into a wall! I guess that is what I get for being distracted by a bright menu. Hmm, it seems to be a magic wall. A barrier, perhaps?

Correct: The barrier seems to be blocking the exit to this part of the dungeon.

I see. "Great Sage," can you do something about it?

Analysis completed: The barrier has a similar composition to the one containing Veldora, but unlike his barrier, a hole can be made so that you can go through it.

<Proficiency has reached the required level. Skill [Great Sage LV3] has become [Great Sage LV4]>

Good job, "Great Sage!" What should we do?

Advice: Predator should be used on the barrier to open a hole large enough for your slime body to pass through.

You don't have to tell me twice! Predators go! Nom nom! Now let's go through the barrier and on to freedom! Or not... More caves! How big is this place!? Ugh... "Great Sage." I know you can't download a map of the cave, but can you map where I have already been?

Affirmative: From now on, I shall map our progress in the cave.

Thank you, "Great Sage." Now to find the exit of this cave, where should I go first? I have heard that if you hug the right wall in a labyrinth, you will eventually find the exit. Does that work with caves? Is that a frog? It is quite a big frog; maybe I can talk to it like I did with Veldora?

"Hello, Mr. Frog. Do you know where I could find the exit of this cave? Hey, are you okay? You seem about AAAAH!"

It spits something on me, and it burns! Even with pain nullification!

Warning: You have been poisoned. While you will gradually lose health, its effect is mostly negated thanks to regeneration.

<Proficiency has reached the required level. Acquired skill [Poison Resistance LV1]>

<Proficiency has reached the required level. Skill [Pain Nullification LV1] has become [Pain Nullification LV2]>

Good, it doesn't hurt as much, and its poison is not as effective. I became careless, believing all the monsters here would be as friendly as Veldora. I have to keep moving to avoid its spit.

Completed analysis: displaying statistics.

Oh, it's actually pretty weak; it just got a lucky shot on me! Okay, time to finish it up! Let's see how you handle this attack, Water Blade!

<Proficiency has reached the required level. Acquired skill [Water Attack LV1]>

Bullseyes! Oh, eeew! I can see its guts! It's a good thing I can't taste things as a slime. Well, no reason for wasting some valuable skills. Predator! Nom!

<Proficiency has reached the required level. Acquired skill [Poison Synthesis LV1], Acquired skill [Acid Attack LV1], [Expel LV1] has become [Expel LV2], [Poison Resistance LV1] has become [Poison Resistance LV2], Acquired skill [Acid Resistance LV1].>

Hehehe! Not bad for my first hunt! Now, where should I go first? Hmm. That tunnel looks promising, but then again, all these caves look the same. Well, it's better than standing still and doing nothing. Onward I go! Bounce, bounce, bounce.

* * * * *

I have been exploring the cave for a while now. While the monsters in this area are weak, they have dangerous skills. I almost became stone once, yet I haven't had any luck finding the exit, and all this solitude is kind of taking a toll on my morale. Could I find the exit? Would I be able to do something else besides survive in a cave?

Warning: Nameless Reincarnated Small Lesser Taratect is fast approaching.

Ah, At least I still have you, "Great Sage." Wait, reincarnated!? HMP! OOOW! WHAT HIT ME?! WHERE IS THE REINCARNATED?... Why is my body wiggling? AAAAAAAAAAH!! THERE IS A SPIDER INSIDE MEEEEEEEEEEE!

Confirmation: Do you wish to consume Nameless Reincarnated?


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