Chapter fourteen.

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Jiyeon's POV
I started my first day of work..and some people looked at me as if I was they recognize me from somewhere I just ignored them.

I knew what it could be but at the same time I didn't wanna think about it.

Truth is..I was in jail awhile and got bailed out as I did indeed kill my father who killed my mother..

Some people say I was wrong some people say what i did was justified but I could care less what anyone thinks.

I just served tables I had to serve everything was pretty normal and then I started hearing these whispers from the other employees.

"wasn't she on the news ? The girl who killed her father..?"

"I heard her dad killed her mom and she found him..with a knife in his hand and she killed him with the same knife.."

I wondered how people even knew about this or got that information..

But then again information can resurface from anywhere I had to ignore it as always never letting anything getting to me.

After work I went home and waited for saebyeok to come home from her work. "How was work babe?" She asks me.

"It...was okay.." I said but there was just something bothering me no matter how I tried to ignore it.

"I know there's something wrong talk to me..."

"I guess some information about me resurface people were gossping about me today at work.."

"I'm sorry honey..just don't listen to what they say.." she said hugging me.

I felt so warm and comforted. "I'll's just i thought my past..would stay in the past..but's resurfaced and people can even recognize me...and what if the boss finds out..i'd get fired for being a prisoner from before.."

"What?" She asks looking at me.

" didn't know but..I..was a prisoner for awhile...after I was kicked out..."

"I thought that part..was only my dream..."

"So I told you all of that in your  dream? That's..."

"I know crazy...and it's actually real.."

"What if...something deep is going on? And we don't know about it..."

"Then we're in some deep shit."

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