Chapter 1 ( unedited)

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Currently in my drama class and I'm tried as fuck.
Track: Slim Sellout -Kyle Spratt
I remember it was about kind of like the second account, I made here. It was back in 2011. Hm I wrote a lot of shit about "sonic and shadow bromance" and they are the MOST horrifying shit ever. I can't believe I had the audacity to post themughhh.

But that's where I met her. She vote for every single chapter in that book and I didn't know why?

I really didn't...

So I got my shit together after I fangirlled like an idiot around my room and pm( not the shit we use now but if you've been here for a long time then you'd know I'm talking about).

Me:"Yah thanks for liking my story it means a whole lot"

She:" Your welcome. Btw, it's called "voting" not "liking". This ish isn't facebook ?

Me: oh okay well sorry

Never met a diva queen this fuck up.
Is what i continue to think in my head

She: Its fine i mean that what newbie like you tend to do. Just have a negative opionin on Facebook.

Me: How come? Facebook is the most convent app out there

She: I wont explain it

Me; Alright

i was no newbie.. its funny cause I created my account before her. I didnt know what this girl's problem was and i most defenately didnt want to know about it either. I decided to log off and contiue my studies. I had already been failing alot of my course so i thought it was a good idea that I used this tile as a study period.

As i was studing i recieved a text message from an old friend named Jason, he was in my grade 7 music class and we both played the french horn together. He was a interesting kid. He tended to used gell to hold up his hair and wear shirts that were up to his knee. He was very interesting in a good way of course. I mean no one could play that horn the way he did and i admired him for that. But the only thing I didn't like about this guy was the fact that he was a huge show off. I mean whenever Mr.Anderson, our band teacher, would tell us to stop playing he would be the last one to stop playing. I hate his for that ugh. Also he had a habit of staying afterschool and talking about music carrer options with my teacher, that killed me. I cant hate on the guy becuase i wasnt the best player but I'm not that kind of guy that would be a selfish attention seeking hoe.

Anyways i read his texted, he ask me to meet him at the park down the street. I havent been to that park in so long and it would hurt me alot if i did. I mean beside the park was a centruy. Like what kind of fool would place a park beside a centrury or a centry next to a park.

Ugh you don't know how bad I want to have a one and one conversation with that baphoon. But back to my story, I asked him to come over to my place instead because I wasn't an outside type of guy. He agreed and I took sometime to clean my room.
My room was pretty neat cause I have made a habit to never to get too comfortable in any home. All my life I struggled being bounced around from home to home. Meeting different types of parents with different lifestyles, status, and parenting styles. Most children don't have this type of opportunity, it has made me an opened minded when I came to people and different culture. But despite that I had a habit to never unpack my suitcase cause I knew I was never going to stay for long. I was a trouble maker and huge rule breaker. My bad habits have drove me to places that people would never want to go. But I guess it's negative quality that I need to deal with and im willing to do that.

While I was organize some stuff my foster sister at the time walked in on me. I didn't acknowledge her presents at first because I sort of had a crush on her and I didn't want my desire to get the best of me.
"Hello,?" She spoke up
But I stayed quiet and continued to place my utensils into their appropitate spot.
"Hello?" I heard her footsteps moving to me
"Hello, Mike fuck . Do you want me to translate that into any other language? Oh wait you speak stupidity. I'm sorry I can't translate that"
I turned around and glared at her
"What do you want Vivian? A cookie?" I hit her back with a comeback I wished I never said cause she laughed in my face. "Oh Jesus cover your mouth I don't want to catch the swine flu bitch"

She threw herself on to my bed and continued to laugh. When she was able to catch her breath she said
"You are so fucking WERID Mike, my mom wants you down for dinner."

"I can't, Jason is coming over?"

"Who the fuck is that? Your drug dealer?" She asked curiously

"No a friend" I was trying to avoid making eye contact with her

"Hmpt. Well I'll tell my mother that? She got up and as she was leaving she said "you know she is my mother right?"

As scuttle as that sounded at first. It later jabbed me in the heart because she was right none of this is mine. My room, my bed, even this laptop I am using doesn't belong to me. I am their guest and that means everything I have is temporary . Fuck I hate temporary love .

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2015 ⏰

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