Chapter 3: First meet.

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Jungkook was in his room talking on his phone "No baby, it's not that" "Then what is it, han!?" Jacqueline shouted on the other side of the phone.

He rolled his eyes annoyingly before speaking again in a fake sweet voice "Baby, i have to come to the Korea because my parents were missing me a lot".

Jacqueline started to cry "Ok fine, but why did you left me like that in the restaurant?!" Jungkook bit his tongue before telling an excuse.

"Baby, when mom told me that i was coming back to Korea, the first thought which came in my mind was about you".

"Me?" Jacqueline said in a soft and chocked tone. "Yes you baby, i thought that i will never meet you again if i go to Korea. And this thing was killing me internally".

Jacqueline went in awe after hearing him and he smirked. He then got up from his bed and started to roam around the room while talking to her.

"I really miss you baby" Jacqueline said and Jungkook replied "Me too baby, don't worry i will try to call you everyday".

Then Jungkook turned around to walk on the other side of the room but got bumped in a hard and large chest. He was about to fall but quickly maintained his balance.

He then looked up only to see Taehyung's burning gaze on him. "Baby are you here?" The speaker was on so Taehyung heard Jacqueline.

Jungkook widened his eyes as Taehyung raised his eyebrows, the younger was about to cut the call but Taehyung snatched the phone from his hands.

The older looked at the ID then cuts the call. He crossed his arms over his chest, still gripping Jungkook's phone tightly in his hands.

"So any justification about this situation?" Taehyung asked in a serious tone and Jungkook looked down nervously.

"H-hyung, i-i-i-" "I what Jungkook!?" Taehyung raised his voice and Jungkook got scared a little bit.

"I-i it's a g-gi-rl" "A girl or a toy?!" Jungkook just looked down and Taehyung sighed. "Jungkook you better change otherwise i'm gonna change you by my own ways".

With that Taehyung started to walk toward the door "But Hyung give me back my phone!". The older stopped on his track and turned around.

"This phone is mine from now" Jungkook widened his eyes "No hyung please!". Taehyung sighed "Then as i said, you better change".

He was about to go out but again stopped "And the dinner is ready, come and eat". With that Taehyung went out and Jungkook whined while stomping his feets on the soft carpet.

He then walked out of his room toward downstairs. He arrived down and went toward the dinning room.

Ji-ho saw him entering the room and smiled to him "My baby, here come sit there". He patted the chair beside him and Jungkook smiled to him before sitting there.

Then Ji-a served him some food in his plate "Woahhh mom, my favorite childhood dish!" She smiled to him and he started to eat.

They all looked at him lovingly before starting to eat too. Then Ji-a looked at Taehyung and he nodded before speaking.

"Kook?" Jungkook hummed still munching his favorite noodles. Taehyung cleared his throat before speaking again.

"Do you know the reason of you coming back to Korea?" Jungkook stopped eating and looked across him, toward Taehyung.

"No...I don't..." he said in a suspicious tone "Then let me tell you that, i'm going to get married very soon". Jungkook widened his eyes at his brother's revealation.

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