Ciao Mia cara ❤️.....( Translation: hi my dear) Come stai Bella?....( How are you? Beautiful) So here are some rules:- • Don't copy it please it took alot of time for ideas and if you do please ask it. • I will read my friends books and will put it here as recommendations because I want to . • If you want your book just message me . • First I will read books and than I will give recommendation here. • I will update it on Tuesday and Wednesday. • I am having a really busy schedule but sure I will read books so are you ready? • In last, I am planning some Books to bring but I am not sure actually so please give me some suggestions and those who are already writers please advise me I will really appreciate it. • I will update " my high school" every single day, " Lifeshots" on Friday, "Butterfly" on Saturday and "Aesthetics" on Monday . • In last thankyou so much for reading my books it means alot to me ❤️. You given me a chance so it means alot to me ❤️. And for aesthetic you can surely give me your orders as you wish. Buona Giornata Bella ❤️( have a great day beautiful ❤️) -You're sam Some Questions you have to answer:- 1) Are you excited? Ans:- I am excited for sure. 2) whose book will be first one? Ans:- I personally don't know. 3) You're favourite colour? Ans:- mine is black,red,pink, green and blue. So today's shout-outs go to... Bella ✨sam_2105 so I have choosen her because she was really nice to me like the first author to whom I talked here at starting. Bye I love you 💗.
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