So close yet so far.❣️

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"Welcome Mr.min, my condolence" the principal of the school nods his head toward the boy sitting in front of him.

He looked at Yoongi and found no light in his eyes he felt as if he should tell the boy to leave and morn in peace and take care of himself before coming here but unfortunately, he could not the deadline to show up for school was tomorrow and if Yoongi hadn't come today he could have been kicked out of school even before stepping foot in.

Yoongi sighs and bows his head and whispers a small thank you.

His voice cracking made the principal's chest tightened and it made him think of his kids imagining how they would feel if something like this happened.

"Mr.Min are you really ready to come?" He asks knowing well he wasn't allowed but what could be harmful if he could help this poor boy.

"Yes," he replies sitting as straight as he could.

"Alright, but please take a break whenever you need if it gets too much I am allowing you this and only to you please do not tell others"

"Thank you sir I appreciate it" the principal smiled and nods his head.

"You can head to the office to get your books and schedule"

Yoongi gets up and bows once again before leaving the room.

His eyes are burning as he tries to hold back tears.

Words from his brother make way to his head reminding him why he came.


"You know maybe we should go out, like places out of campus" Jungkook suggests as he unwraps a candy and plops it in his mouth.

Jimin stares at the boy and nods his head "we only stay on campus most of the time and haven't met not even once outside"

Jin chuckles "that is so true"

"And we've known we were soulmates since the first day" Hoseok adds on.

"You lucky bastards," Louis says as he smiles at the boys with adoration in his eyes.

"Can you shut up for once Louis" Taehyung says and hits the boy's head?

"I swear you've gotten more bratty," he says as he hits Taehyung back.

"You guys ever stop arguing?" Namjoon Ask the two boys who were getting ready to jump at each other's throats.

"We've been like this since childhood," Louis says as he holds Taehyung away from himself by placing his hand on the boy's head.

Louis was taller than Taehyung so he had an upper hand.

Jimin laughed loudly at the scene in front of him the boys looked like kids.

Taehyung looked at Jimin as he pushed Louis's hand away from his head and the blond stopped laughing instantly.

His eyes widen when he realized Taehyung was running toward him.

"Oh" was the only word that left his mouth before he started running for his life.

The rest of the group watched Taehyung chase after Jimin.

Taehyung caught Jimin from his waist and pulled him to his chest the boy tries to break free but taehyungs grip was tight.

Jimin turned his head to look at taehyungs and gave the boy a smile.

"Oh now you smile?" Taehyung says lifting an eyebrow at the little man in his arms.

"What you looked like a tiny man against Louis"
Jimin tried to defend himself but it only got him in more trouble.

Taehyung gasped and placed his head on jimins shoulder.

"Ouch!!" Jimin was surprised, Taehyung bit him!

"Taheyung!" Jimin yelled alarming the rest of the boys to stop staring  and run towards the two.

Taheyung let go of jimins skin to find his mark bright red on the boys shoulder.

"Now who is tiny against who" he asked smiling bright.

"Taehyung that was not nice" jin declared as he pulled Jimin out of his arms.

"Hey!" Taheyung reached out for Jimin but all he got was Namjoon standing infront of him.

Taehyung looked up at Namjoon.

"Taheyung why did you bite him"

"I don't know I wasn't trying to hurt him!"

"Does it hurt Jimin?" Jungkook asked as he looked over the mark.

"No it's fine it stings a bit"

"I don't know why I did it, it just happened I'm sorry" taehyung said trying to look at Jimin.

His eyes turned glossy when Namjoon wouldn't budge.

"I'm sorry" he whispered and lowered his head.

Namjoon patted his curly hair and moved to the side.

Jimin came forward and stood in front of taehyung.

"It's alright I forgive you, it happened in the heat of the moment"

Taehyung looked at Jimin with glossy eyes and before he knew it his hands were on the boys cheeks holding his head in his hands.

"I really mean it I didn't wanted to hurt you" he says again trying to get it through Jimin's head  and the rest of the boys.

"I know" Jimin whispers and smiles at the boy.

Taehyung sniffs his tears away and smiles back at Jimin.

"I like you a lot jiminie" taehyung says and bents lower to lock his lips with the blonds.

Leaving the rest of the boys to stare in shock but soon the shock was turned into happy faces.

"I like you too" Jimin says when Taehyung pulls away from the kiss.

Taehyung leaves a peck on the boys forehead and on the bite mark.

Jimin turns toward the rest of the boys and a blush makes it's way to his cheeks.

"You guys are adorable!" Hoseok says and kisses the boys on the cheeks.

Now along with Jimins,taehyungs cheeks turned red too.

They each gave the boys a Kiss on the cheek and forehead, easing the mood after the event.

"Man you guys make me feel more lonely day by day" he said as he watched Hoseok give a peck to jungkooks forehead.

The boys laughed at Louis and louis laughed along with them.


Yoongi made his way back to the apartment his parents had gotten him in Seoul and the boy crashed on the couch. Removing his slippers he placed his feet on the couch and his head on his knees he looked out the window the sky was turning gray just like how his world had turned gray.

Tears just streamed down his cheeks he didn't stop them this time he needed this he needed to let it out to be able to live on and do what his parents had wished for him and for his brother he had to be strong for him too he couldn't leave his brother alone in this world.

Now would he.

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