Chapter 1

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Screams and fire. That's all I could hear and see around me. I tried getting away from the fire, but I was trapped. There was fire surrounding me and I couldn't do anything. I could see few people standing there, but I couldn't see their faces. Everything was blurry. My eyes had tears in them 'cause of the smoke and fire, and I couldn't breathe properly. I tired to move from where I was, but my feet were frozen in its place. Fear started to increases in me as the fire started getting bigger and bigger.

I heard a creak sound from above me. I looked up to see the ceiling hanging down and slowly falling, yet I couldn't move. I looked back ahead of me and tried to find an escape or help. But the people I saw were far away from me and the fire was separating us. The creak got even louder and I heard a scream before I felt the weight of something falling on me and I slowly blacked out.

I woke up with a jolt, sweat dripping down the side of my face. I looked at the clock on the side table to see that it was still 5 in the morning. I took deep breaths to calm down and rubbed my face with my hands. I pulled the covers off and got up. It was still early, so I could go for a run and be back in time for breakfast. I picked a pair of clothes from the cupboard and walked into the bathroom. I stripped from the clothes I was wearing and changed into the fresh pair.

I splashed cold water on my face and looked at myself in the mirror. I had slight bags under the eyes. I sighed and pulled out a brush and brushed my hair before putting it in a high ponytail. I grabbed my phone and earphones and walked out the room. The house was silent, which meant that everyone was asleep. I slipped on my earphones and shoes and exited the front door.


I slipped off my shoes as I walked into the house after a good run which helped to calm my mind. I walked into the kitchen smelling pancakes and chocolate and found my mother making breakfast.

"Good morning," I said as I walked in. I kissed her on the cheek on my way to the fridge.

"Morning," she smiled as she finished making breakfast. She placed the food on the table and wiped her hands. "Can you go wake Zach? I'll get the other two."

I nodded and kept the bottle back in the fridge before running up the stairs. I walked down the hallway and to the door across from my room. I knocked on the door and waited for a response. When there was nothing, I opened the door and walked in to find him sprawled out on the bed.

I chuckled and walked up to him and shook his shoulders, "Get up."

He mumbled something incoherent and covered his face with the comforter. I chuckled and shook him again, "Come on. It's the last day of summer."

"Exactly," he turned around to face me. "It's the last day of summer, let me sleep."

"Noo," I pulled the comforter and threw it down. "We promised Hazel and Colton that we'd take them to the park."

He groaned and got up. "Fine. I'm up. Now get out."

I chuckled and threw a pillow at his head before exiting his room and entering mine. I pulled out a pair of fresh clothes and walked into the washroom for a good shower to get the sweat off of myself.


"Skye!" Hazel yelled out when I entered the kitchen.

"Hey kiddo," I ruffled her hair as I sat down next to her.

"Are we going to the park today?" she asked excitedly.

"You gotta finish your breakfast first," mom said who was across the table trying to get a sleepy Colton to eat his breakfast. She pouted and started to eat her breakfast.

"Morning," Zach greeted us as he entered the kitchen looking fresh.

"Morning to you too sleepy head," he stuck his tongue out at me and plopped down next to Colton.

"I'm done!" Hazel exclaimed. "Can we go now?"

"Come on," I got up and put both our plates in the sink. "Let's get you changed."

She grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs and up to her room. "Help me choose." She pulled out 2 dresses. A pink and a red one, "Which one?"

"Uhh. The pink one?" I asked more than saying, knowing she would go with whichever she liked.

"I knew it," she cheered. "I liked this one too. I'll change quickly."

For a 7 year old, she was pretty talkative. I chuckled and nodded as she hurried to the washroom to get changed. Its funny how she asks for an opinion but then does just what she wants. Once she was done, I helped her slip on her shoes before the both of us ran down the stairs. The boys were waiting near the front door for us and Colton looked very wide awake.

"Let's go. Let's go," Hazel grabbed our hands and pulled us out the door with Colton trailing behind.

"Slow down Hazel," Zach groaned and pulled her back. "Get Colton will you." He nodded towards me as Hazel again dragged him ahead.

"And then there were two," he giggled and held his arms up. "Come here ya little monster."

I carried him and sped walked towards the park trying to keep up with the other two.

Hey guys!
So this is my first story ⊙⁠﹏⁠⊙
So please do give it a read and let me know how it goes
I'm sorry if there's any mistakes or if you feel the story is a little slow, i swear it gets better as it goes!

And I'll be updating a chapter every week cause I've got college and I'll be busy!
But i hope you guys love it!

Thank you for reading!

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