Chapter 1: Japan

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*Light's POV*

"Light! Misa's on her way here!" Ryuk hissed. DAMN! I pulled away. Luna was extremely red and looked really cute. I kissed her cheek.

"Excuse me for a moment, Luna." I left and met Misa outside. I finally convinced her to leave. When I got back to Luna she had changed into jean shorts and an overly large tee shirt. How adorable. She seemed really focused on what she was doing so I went up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. She jumped a little making me chuckle.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"All that talk about Kira got me curious." She said shyly as I rested my chin on her shoulder. Her face was burning 50 shades of red.

"Am I making you nervous?" I whispered in her ear making her shiver. She looked at me.

"I've never had a guy this close to me before much less kiss me." She said looking away. So she's never been kissed, teased, had sex, or had a boy flirt with her? This will be interesting...
*Luna's POV*

He started to nibble on my neck and I squeaked surprised causing Light to chuckle again. I don't know what to do or what to say. I'm frozen with fear, worry, and excitement. I've never felt this way before. Light makes me feel... loved. No. What am I saying? What if Light is Kira? He'd only use me right? He soon found my soft spot and I moaned a little. Light seemed to like that considering he started kissing, licking, and sucking which made me a moaning mess.

"Light!~" I whimpered. I'm not used to this and so I sqirmed a little. He only tightened his grip.

*Light's POV*

I found her soft spot easily. I soon reduced her to a moaning mess. She was really turning me on. But, I can't be with her until I'm sure I can trust her and Misa won't hurt her.

"Light.~" She whimpered. She struggled a little, but I tighted my grip and she stopped.

"You're so beautiful, Luna." I whispered. I took her to my room where I sat her in my lap and kissed her. She gasped and I slid my tongue inside. She had her arms around my neck as I put my arms around her waist pulling her close. A few minutes later a door opened and I heard Sayu.

"Light! We're home!" Sayu called.


*Luna's POV*

Damn! What's wrong with me? Am I really in love with Yagami Light? I mean I feel safe with him, but who's to say he's not Kira? When we heard Sayu I quickly got off of him and we started talking casually as we heard footsteps.

"Light where-"Sayu stopped when she saw me. "Come on, Luna!"

She grabbed my hand dragging me downstairs. I met Mrs.Yagami who is very nice and Sayu had me helping them cook. But, I was still lost in thought. What wpuld I do if Light did confess to being Kira? I mean would it really matter? Would it make a diffrence to me even if he isn't? Why am I so worried about this? Before I knew it dinner was done and we had a friendly conversation.


The next day was in my "crazy zone." When I'm in my "crazy zone" I think about "myths." Why do I say "myths" like that? Because they're real. You see I have Sight so I can see and hear what only people like me can. So I heard the Shinigami in Light's room. I knew that voice. I'd encountered the Shinigami once before. I opened the door to see Ryuk.

"Long time no see, eh, Ryuk?" I smirked at the surprised Shinigami.

"You can see him?" Light looked surprised too.

"See him? I know him. I have Sight, Light. I can see from a Shinigami to a Dragon to a Faery. I met Ryuk when I was younger."

They stared at me and I just smirked.

*dun dunn dunnnn!*
Surprise! I bet you didn't see that coming, huh? Don't feel bad cause neither did I! It just happened! Anyways hope you enjoy!

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