Go To Sleep

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There was no joy from his parents on the ride home, or upon arrival. They spoke very little, and there was a tension in the car that simply wouldn't fade out. As for Liu, he was thrilled that his brother was okay, but he didn't know what to say concerning the damage to his face. So, after asking a few questions about the accident and the recovery, he fell silent as well.

They walked into their home at dusk and Liu asked about dinner. He suggested they let Jeff pick a place, to celebrate his return home.

"Just go to sleep, both of you boys, go to sleep," Shelia remarked. She and her husband both retreated to their bedrooms as well, to argue or feel sorry for themselves, who knew?

Jeff and Liu didn't speak much that night. Jeff spent most of the evening staring at himself in the mirror. He kept pulling back the bandages and looking at the scars. Liu wanted to see them too, but felt that it might be imprudent to ask.

"I'm glad you're home Jeff, I really missed you and I'm glad you're okay," Liu said to Jeff as he stared at himself.

"I'm not okay Liu, and neither are you. None of us are really. There is a sickness here. The only difference is, now my sickness shows on the outside as well," Jeff replied, his voice as flat as that on an answering machine.

"What are you talking about?" Liu asked.

"One day, you'll see it too. This is what happens though, this is what happens when it all falls down," Jeff said, still peeking behind his bandages.

"Jeff, I don't know what you're trying to say," Liu responded.

Jeff didn't reply though, and after several moments, Liu left him alone. Liu went down to his parent's bedroom and knocked on the door.

"What is it?" the voice of his mother asked.

"Mom, I think Jeff is acting weird, you may want to come talk to him."

"Go away Liu, leave your mother alone," his father's voice answered. Liu, being young, had no other ideas, so he returned to his own bedroom. He didn't know that those would be the last words he'd ever hear his parents speak to him.

That night, Shelia and Matt Woods awoke together, both being light sleepers, it took little to bring them out of slumber. The sudden removal of their blanket, as it was snatched from the bed, did the trick just fine. They awoke to see a small light coming from the half-bath that was situated in their master bedroom. The door was cracked only slightly, and the light source was weak. They could make out a human shape, standing over their bed though.

"What, what is going on?" Shelia grumbled.

As their vision came into focus, they realized their son was standing before them. Matt reached over and flipped on the lamp next to their bed. Jeff was standing there, his bandages off, his disfigured face beaming down on them, with a long kitchen knife clutched in his right hand.

"What are you doing son?" Matt asked, his mind still trying to shake out the cobwebs of sleep.

"He's got a knife!" Shelia screamed, grabbing at her husband's arm. Matt kept his composure though.

"Shelia, it's probably the painkillers, he likely got up and got disoriented, relax for Christsake."

Jeff tilted his head to one side, still not speaking. He stared hard at his father, slowly bringing the knife up, ensuring that he saw it well.

"Son, what are you doing?" Matt asked.

"Scaring you," Jeff replied, with no emotion in his voice.

"Matt... do something!" Shelia pleaded.

"Okay son, I realize you've been through a lot, but you need to go back to bed. I'm going to call the doctor in the morning and...."

Jeff moved quickly across to his father's side of the bed, his head moving about, alternating between a normal looking young man and the deformed ghoul that had been lurking in the shadows.

"Okay son, you've scared me, is that what you wanted?" Matt asked, adjusting to the middle of the bed to put distance between himself and his son.

"Good, now I can start hurting you," Jeff spoke again, with no emotion.

His father had time to utter a single syllable, most likely to ask another question, to try and reason with his son. Jeff however, gave him time to do no more than that. He lunged onto the bed, driving the knife into his father's stomach. Matt attempted to fend Jeff off, but the wound to his midsection rendered him into shock, and his arms fell to the side. Jeff could hear his mother screaming, but paid no mind. He wanted to finish with his father first.

Removing the knife, Jeff stabbed down into his stomach three more times, quickly. His father gasped and coughed up blood, his body jerked and twitched each time the knife found its mark. After the third time, Matt Woods lay still.

Shelia had backed up against the headboard of the bed. She wanted to climb down, make a run for it, but she'd balled herself up between the headboard and the end table. In her frantic state of terror and confusion, she couldn't figure out how to do something as simple as dismount a bed.

"Jeff.... Why, why are you doing this to us?" she asked feebly.

"Randy started it, you must have known that, but you ignored it. Liu had a busted lip, you must have seen that, but you ignored it. I was shot in the face with a flare gun, but you believed Randy, why? So you could fit in?" Jeff asked in a low, almost growling voice.

"No baby, I believed you, it was, just, your father's job.... And we're new here, and.... Oh God Jeff please...." his mother begged.

"Tell me about home school mom? Tell me all about how you don't want to send me out in public because of my face. Tell me how none of the other kids will want to be my friend, and how none of their parents will want to be yours. Tell me about that mom, tell me how nice it's going to be, you home schooling me....."

"Jeff please, I was just stressed, I was worried about you that's all... please I.... I love you..."

"Mom, I think you should take your own advice, you know, what you told Liu when we got home tonight. He wanted to do something nice to welcome me home, and do you remember what you told us to do instead?" Jeff asked, as he now crawled over, cornering his mother on the bed.

"What did I say?" she asked, the question coming out barely a whisper.

"Go to sleep!" Jeff snarled, and drove the knife into his mother's chest. He stabbed her over and over again, and as he did, he finally found that perfect recipe, that heavenly blend. That rage, hate and pleasure all mixed into one perfect formula, and for a while, Jeff became lost in it all.

Jeff opened his brother's bedroom door, not surprised to find his brother asleep. He had dozed off with headphones in, so he slept through all the shouting. That was fine with Jeff. It was easier that Liu not have to hear all of that.

Jeff sat down on his brother's bed and nudged him slightly. It took a moment, but Liu finally opened his eyes and looked up. Jeff removed his earphones for him.

"You're free now Liu," he spoke softly.

"Jeff, what... what are you talking about?" Liu mumbled, still half asleep.

"You'll see in the morning. I just wanted to let you know I love you. You've been my best friend, remember that, okay?"

"Thanks, I... I love you too. Now, let me go back to sleep," Liu replied, already dozing off again.

Jeff smiled and stood up. As he left the room, he looked back at his sleeping brother one last time, before he vanished into the night.

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