the café

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Three men sat at a table the sun Beaming down on the three men who set down there. An blue haired man along whith a turquoise and scarlet haired man. The men sat there whith glasses of tea or coffee.

"So Steven, how have you been lately. Also how's Maxie and Archie been." Said the man who sat on the left-hand side of Steven.

"Oh no, I've been doing great though I think my husband can explain the others" he sighed whist shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

"All right, well you could say uhh, I don't know how to say this but Maxie has filed for a restraining order against Archie. Also maybe Archie might be getting arrested on sexual assault charges." He angrily blurted out whith no time for a breath for himself.

"Wallace! Lance did not ask for an essay of words did he now??" Steven slumped over in his chair " SHIT, we are going to be late Wallace grab the bride case please" Steven exclaimed loudly making Lance jump onto his feet. Steven collected all of his files and spread sheets into a black metallic bride case.

Steven and Wallace dashed off before disappearing into the crowd of rush hour shouted over to Lance while blocking the sun out whith his hand " see you Lance" he cheerfully shouted. Lance replied " I'll see you later ".

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