Dean to castiel

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< to cas

Heeeeeeyyyyy trenchcoat baby!!!

<from cas

Hello. I assume this is dean. Or am I wrong?

<to cas

Nope it's me :D

<from cas

Was that a mistype?

< to cas

What do u mean?

<from cas

The D with the : in front of it. Was it a mistype?

<to cas

😂 no you idiot it's an emoticon just like that one.

<from cas

An emoticon huh? Like a face in your phone?

<to cas

Yes and those show how you feel or whatever. You hVe them too on your phone.

<from cas

Alright. Thank you for that information. How did you get connection to this device?

<to cas

Sammie gave me your number

<from cas

Alright. Why?

< to cas

Just so we can chat.

<from cas

Chat? Has that something to do with those emoticons too? 🛁

< to cas

No just as talking. And why the tub?

<from cas

It's an emoticon dean. I found it on my phone. 👀

<to cas

Don't send them random they should show how you feel or help explain something okay?

<from cas

Oh alright. Anyway what do you wanna " chat" about?

<to cas

Anything you want to buddy

<from cas

Well you're the one who chatted me first. So I think you should choose the subject then

<to cas

Cas. No. You don't use it like that! Don't use the word chat again 😂😂 you suck at it.

< from cas

Alright. Even though I don't think I can suck words though. And you seem happily pleased by those messages. I can see it from the emoticons

<to cas

Yes! Good cas! You're a first learner. Alright I gtg now

<from cas


<to cas

Got to go. You should really learn the text language. Go google it

<from cas

Alright dean. Good bye. I will see if I can find it.

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