Arriving in Gotham

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    "How do I get us to Gotham?" I ask.
    "Say 'Voyage' and then walk into the portal thinking of Gotham or say Gotham before anyone walks in," Chloe says.
    "Voyage?" I ask and a blue portal appears. "Okay then, take us to Gotham."
    Everyone walks through the portal and we end up on the Wayne Tower. I get them to follow me towards the Bat-cave.
When we arrive, I detransform and and ask my Angel, "What would you like to recharge your energy?"
With a small, almost undetectable, blush, she replied with, "A cookie please."
As I go to leave, she falls on my shoulder, so I carry her up with me to the kitchen to get her cookie. After I give it to her she starts apologizing a lot for falling on me.
"It's okay," I tell her then cup my hands for her to sit in.
She hesitates for a second before doing so then I take her to my room.
    "Angel power on," he whispers to me.
I blush as I get sucked into the kwami dimension. Since I couldn't stop thinking about him and I anything I thought of appeared, I was surrounded by a bunch of kwami sized versions of him. Fluff, Pollen, Sass, and Longg stare at me as they come into this dimension.
"It looks like someone has a crush," Pollen says. "I can't wait to tell Chloe what you were thinking about!"
"Awww, the little bug does have a crush!" Fluff exclaims.
I attempt to hide behind my thoughts that appeared out of thin air. Eventually I come back to our dimension feeling really drained.
"What would you like to recharge your energy?" Damien asks me.
I blush remembering what he said and answer him, "A cookie please."
I fall forward from lack of energy. Once I reopen my eyes I have a cookie being held towards me and I'm in a different room. I quickly eat the cookie only to realize afterwards that I had fallen on Damien. I begin muttering as many apologies as I could think of.
"It's okay," he tells me then cups his hands so I can sit them.
I think about it for a moment before sitting down. He takes me to a room upstairs. I assume it is his room as it has a bed, but isn't very personalized.
"I heard your friend, Chloe say you had a crush. Can you possibly tell me who?" he asks causing me to freeze.
    "I-I m-m-might-t  h-have-ve a cr-cr-cru-ush o-on y-you," I stutter out very embarrassed.
    He looks at me and smiles then says, "Okay then, could you change back into your human form?"
    "Sure," I squeak out.
    I turn back into my human form as asked then look back up at Damien.
"I heard your friend, Chloe say you had a crush. Can you possibly tell me who?" I ask my Angel, making her freeze up.
    "I-I m-m-might-t  h-have-ve a cr-cr-cru-ush o-on y-you," she says while stuttering.
    I like this development indeed because that means I am meant to be with her.
    I look at my Angel and smile then say, "Okay then, could you change back into your human form?"
    "Sure," I she says quickly and very high pitched.
   She transforms back into her human form as I had asked her. Then, she looks up at me with a reddish tent to her cheeks. I smirk and walk up to her.
    I whisper in her ear, "So if you have a crush on me my Angel, does that mean that I can have one on you too?"
    I move back to see her almost as red as her old costume. I quickly kiss her cheek and walk out of my room leaving her there, frozen and blushing.
    What just happened!?!? I only come back to reality when I hear, "-bug, Mari-bug, hello?!"
    "Sorry Clo, what did you want to know?" I ask.
    She gives me a knowing look and says, "Nothing, oh nothing."
    Mari-bug and Damien had been missing for a while so I go check on them only to find a frozen, blushing Mari in what I can assume is Damien's room, and after what Pollen said, she has a huge crush on Damien, meaning he did something to overload her brain.
    "Mari-bug, Mari1bug hello?!" I say.
    "Sorry Clo, what did you want to know?" she asks me.
    I look at her knowingly as say, "Nothing, oh nothing."

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