chapter two: ghost.

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If I wasn't leaning against the door, I would've fallen right then and there.

I felt like I was dreaming. No, dreams are good. This wasn't good. I tried to form words but they couldn't seem to come out. How was he standing here, in front of me after being missing for so long. This definitely wasn't real, right?

"Are you just going to stare at me the whole night? " he tilted his head, an amused smile made it's way across his face. His stern and stone set expression suddenly became a playful and lighthearted one as soon as he smiled. It astounded me as to how one's facial expression could change so drastically with a simple smile.

"How are you here? You've been missing for a year! " I finally spoke. It's like the mechanisms in my brain finally started turning, the situation finally registered with me. "You have to go to the police! They've been looking for you- "

I started panicking and pacing up and down on the front porch. I tried to make sense of the situation but nothing would come to me. What could I possibly do? Here I was, with the missing member of a boy group standing in front of me like this isn't some big deal.

"The more important question is, how are you able to see me? " I stopped in my tracks and looked at his as if he was crazy, spoiler alert, I think he was.

"What do you mean? Of course I can see you! You're standing in front of me as if you haven't been missing for the past year- "

"I'm dead. " he cut me off. I heard what he said but I didn't quite understand it. I gave him a confused look and waited for him to repeat himself, this time with more detail. "I died one year ago. I've been roaming the city ever since my death. "

I laughed. I laughed like I haven't laughed before. I must be going insane, definitely. I clutched the door knob as I continued laughing. Jeno looked at me confused as I wiped the stray years that escaped my eyes. Once I clamed down, I leaned back against the door with my hand still tightly clutching the door knob.

"Are you done? " he crossed his arms, the material of his hoodie tightened around his biceps. Dead my foot, ghosts couldn't do that.

"Give me a minute. " I turned around immediately and pulled the door open, running into the house and slamming the door with a loud bang. I locked the door behind me and ran to my room, doing the same before sliding against the wall and putting my hands around my knees.

I stared at the closed window at the other side of the room, the darkness of the night covered the view of the city I had from where my house was positioned. I sat there for a while before deciding to take a shower, hoping that it would wash away the strange occurrences of today.

"He's dead. " I chuckled as I felt for the water temperature. Stepping inside the shower, I allowed the water to wash away my memories and prepare me for a good night's sleep. I let myself become vulnerable under the steady stream of the water. "Why is it that I have to always meet the weird people. "

I dried myself and put on a random pair of clothes in my closet. I don't believe in pajamas, if it doesn't have more than ten holes then it's still useable.

"For someone so young, I didn't expect you to have a old lady room. " I screamed when I walked out of the bathroom. Jeno was standing at the window, staring directly at me as I exited.

"How did you get in here?! " I grabbed a shoe that was lying on the floor and threw at him. Much to my surprise, it flew past him, no, it went through him?

"Did that shoe- "

"I told you, I'm dead, darling. " I threw another shoe at him, sure enough, it pasted directly through his abdomen as if he were made of air.

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