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3rd person POV

"That's all" mew sighed

"Wow, your life story is...... different than what I imagined" gulf wiped his tears stuffing the spoon of ice cream in his mouth

"Don't cry baby it's ok now that you are in my life I am happy I feel like the happiest man alive now that I have met you" mew smiled wiping his tears making gulf nodded his head

"I-if you buy me more ice cream t-then I will be happier" he sniffles making mew laugh at him as he wiped his tears

"Wait here okay" mew said and gulf nodded his head finishing his ice cream before mew went and got him another cup full

"You can eat in the car we should go home now it's almost 9" Mew said and gulf nodded his head grabbing the ice cream from mew walking towards the car satisfied making mew smile and follow his mate while holding onto gulf jacket in the back

Driving home mew had to carry the sleeping gulf inside the house and went straight to his room setting gulf on the bed

Going back to his kitchen mew grabbed a few things to wipe gulfs body off when he saw tae and thanit coming into the kitchen bringing there plates to the sink

"So how did it go" thanit asked and mew looked at them for a second before continuing to do what he was doing with a smile

"Uh it was fine I guess he did cry a little but after more ice cream he was fine" mew chuckled

"Good it was a mess seeing you ignore gulf that way you are not a good liar mew" tae laughed making all three men laugh a little as well

"We're going to bed now but your dinners in the microwave if you want it" thanit tapped the microwave before he and tae walked out leaving mew alone

Grabbing everything he needed he then went back upstairs going to his room

Setting everything down he took off gulfs shoes and his jacket then started to wipe gulfs body off

"You look nice with my mark" mew smiled wiping his mark on gulf neck before wiping off gulfs face and arms

Once he finished he changed gulf into some comfortable shorts from his closet and a black shirt before he tucked gulf in and went down staring putting everything up

He quickly ate his dinner before he went to his room and took a shower brushing his teeth as well before getting in bed beside gulf taking him into his arms

Closing his eyes he felt gulf snuggle more into him making him smile and kiss gulf lips lightly

"I love you" he muttered to gulf thinking he was sleep and was shocked when hearing gulf respond

"I love you too mew" gulf pecks mews neck that has his mark on it as well making mew freeze for a moment before he hugged gulf tighter with a wide smile

"I love you too mew" gulf pecks mews neck that has his mark on it as well making mew freeze for a moment before he hugged gulf tighter with a wide smile

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One more chapter before the epilogue

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