Angsty Headcanons

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1. Daisy likes Sean and Jake is gonna be absolutely crushed once he finds out

2. Hailey messed up on stage when she was younger so now she has strange fright, that's why she wants Jake to sing instead of her **

3. Zander has some pretty bad anxiety, he worries about Luke cheating on him, because that's what his dad did to his mom

4. Zander's dad left when they lived somewhere in the UK and he was so shy and quiet and s a d when he met Luke because they had just moved right after his dad left

5. Luke's parents are not be so accepting over the fact he's dating a boy

6. Drew's parents never really were involved in his life, they just gave him money and thought that was enough

7. Zander hates being called Alex because his dad used to call him that

8. Lia has liked Jake for as long as Jake has liked Daisy, and it hurts her just as much as daisy liking Sean would hurt Jake

9. Sean is verbally abused by his parents and hates being at home

10. Daisy has a fear of failure

** I wrote that before the episode came out but man was I on point

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