simons diary

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i found a strand of dirty blonde hair in my hoodie today. i couldn't figure out who i had leant my jumper to until i remembered you. the five foot eleven swedish prince that strut into my life like no one was watching. but they were watching. and that was the problem. if they hadn't have been watching, you would be here, with me, playing 'video games' in my 'cozy' room. i remember everything about that night. your snarky remarks about my video games and your cute little fairy kisses down my neck as i recited the names of my fish. you threw my shirt off like you were tearing off a piece of paper. i felt your cold silver watch brush against my cheek as you pulled my hair away from my face. and then i remember you leaving, and i never saw you like that again. the next time we met it wasn't the same. our lives had been invaded by someone who didn't know us. someone who didn't even know my name.

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