Episode 15A: The Survivors

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(Establishing shot of the ship. BARBARA narrates.)

Barbara-(voice-only) So it had been a few days since we found any eggs, but we did find a couple Incrediballs with no eggs to speak of.

(Zoom in on the ship's deck. BARBARA, RAYMAN, and SPLITS are standing with FUJI, a black Incrediball with lots of sharp upper teeth, and FLAM-BAY, a yellow Incrediball with a much larger trunk than the others. [NOTE: While Flam-Bay's official name is spelled with a hyphen, it will not appear in subsequent spellings because I don't want to write out all those hyphens.])

Splits-Flambay! You're alive!


(He snuggles up to SPLITS.)

Flambay-Glad to see you, little sister, and look who I brought.


Rayman-Lemme guess. You're...

Fuji-That's right. Fuji.

Rayman-Whew. I was thinking you were the one with the name no one can pronounce.

Fuji-(with perfect pronunciation) Eyjafjallajökull.

Splits-The Sooties amaze us every time.

Flambay-We haven't been around the Sacred Tree since we fled that attack on it. How's it doing?

Splits-Not very good.

Barbara-There's this legion of the undead that's been stealing the eggs.

Flambay-Oh boy.

Fuji-Out of the frying pan, into the lava.

(SCRUB comes flying up over the edge.)

Flambay-Scrub! Am I glad to see you!

Scrub-No, not really.

Fuji-Hey! Quit talking to my buddy like that!

Scrub-I'm not looking for a fight. For once.

Rayman-What color?


Rayman-Alright, I guess I'll take it. Either of you wanna come with?


Flambay-To do what?

Sting-(offscreen) OUTTA MY WAY!

(STING flies in from the cabin, scaring everyone.)

Sting-Did I hear someone say there was an egg to find?


Sting-Why are you looking at me like that?

Rayman-'Cause you have a very specific energy, and I'm not sure if I like it.

Sting-What, the energy of AWESOME?

Rayman-You're like all of your brothers combined.


Rayman-Well...(sigh) I guess I better be going. Tell Globox where I am. It was nice knowing you.

(Cut to a factory in 20,000 Lums Under the Sea. RAYMAN is standing on a metal walkway with STING next to him.)

Rayman-Hey! Wait a minute! No one told me we'd be in the ocean!

Sting-No one told me that, either!

Rayman-At least we're in a factory. With air. And no tentacles. And no--

Sting-Less talk, more fight!

Rayman-Sheesh, okay.

(He runs forward down the walkway. He jumps onto a ring on a gear. He rides the gear up until he jumps on a crate.)

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