Diary Scribble two

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Dear diary,
Today at recess, I found out they were for realsies in love, like 4liferz in love. I managed to give him a love letter right in front of her and then told everyone he was my non-consentual boyfriend and we were getting married on school grounds (as lovers do). Then His girlfriend came up to me and I got scared and ran away..... because people without greasy hair are scary and so not normal. She yelled "yeah, run! See what happens" but I kept on walking.
I cried because my future husband and my forever buggawuggaboo loves her🥺💔
Then at lunch, I sat real close to them and cried even harder and kept glaring at them when I they held hands. I couldn't help but look at the "will u marry me uwu nya daddy" letter I made, in hopes of time he wanted to be called daddy and I could he baby owo. I looked at it intensely and cried even more when he looks my way. I get so shy and flustered, my cheeks get so red nya! He's so perfect 🤤. But then he looks away and I cry more. At that moment, I had had enough. I stand up on the table on the verge of tears and sing....
"Like a small boat"
"In the ocean, sending big waves"
"Into mo-"
I pause and choked on my sorrows and skip to my grand finale
I couldn't finish it, I try jumping off the table and fall and slip off it fro mall the must and oil my hair dropped on the table. I nearly snapped my neck!!!
After lunch they walked past, I nearly cried again but gasped and ran. Does this mean he loves me?
I'll write again later, goodnight Diary

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