~Chapter 1~

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You find yourself strolling through the beautiful streets of Ritou. When a boy with dirty blonde hair smiling at you. His friendly nature and warm smile almost bringing joy to your heart. He starts to walk over to you. "Act casual, he's really cute." You think to yourself in your head. "Hey there! I haven't seen you around here before, here on business?" He questions, almost as if he's happy to see you. "Yeah.. you could say 'business' heh" you say shyly. "Hm? What does that mean?" He asks, confused but intrigued. "I snuck in. I was curious about what the 'nation of eternity' had to offer. Please don't tell anyone!" It feel like you could trust him. He grabs your arm, as if he ushering you somewhere argent. "OH if you're only here for a visit then follow me! You HAVE to check out the hot springs! I'll go in with you, don't worry malady!". And with that, you were off with the pretty, tall, blonde hair stranger. He was a lot more powerful then you would've thought from first glance. Finally you arrive to the long awaited place he was talking about. It was beautiful, large and lush trees everywhere, a breathtaking mountain side view, it was.. indescribably infatuating. "W-wow.." you muttered out, not noticing the blonde haired boy taking off his shirt. "COME ON! THIS WAY!" You look over at him, getting a glance of his body. The way the sun hit his skin, made it seem like he was glowing. His rather muscular physique was hidden away by his clothing. But when he took off his shirt.. oh boy was it noticeable. It was only the two of you around, so you proceeded to do the same. Keeping on the black underwear set you were wearing. "Hey! I never caught your name btw! I'm (Readers name)!" You said clearly since he was quite the ways in front of you. Looking back at you to respond, he noticed that you were only in your underwear. A dark red blush covered his face while he tried to tell you his name. Too flustered to look you in the eyes. He held the back of his neck, trying to avoid gazing upon your body. "I'm Thoma!" He said proudly. You gave him a warm smile. "It's nice to meet you Thoma!". "Shall we, malady?" He smiled at you whilst holding his hand out gesturing for you to grab it while he led the way to the warm rushing waters. You both get in, not realizing how long it's been until you see that it's starting to get dark. "Awh, it's starting to get dark outside. We should go before the wildlife come." He said, sounding disappointed. "You're right! Let's go back to Ritou."
*45 minutes later*
You both arrive back at Ritou. "Hey, where are you staying tonight?" He questioned, sounding concerned. "Oh, I haven't thought about that yet." You said back to him. He grabs your hand once again "come on! I have the perfect place, you can stay with me at the Teahouse!" You followed him to large building, the decor was stunning. Unlike anything they had back in Mondstatd. He set you up a bed for the night, "if you want me to sleep next to you to keep you warm just say the word" he teased, smiling at you. "Okay then, come here pretty boy" you smiled at him. He looked flustered for a second, now climbing into the bed with you. Subconsciously you cuddle into his chest, making his heart melt. You could feel his whole body heat up. "You okay? You seem a little warm." You said in a concerned tone. "Oh yeah! I'm okay!" He said back to you, trying not to seem flustered while he cradled you against his chest. Before you knew it, you were laying against this handsome strangers chest, already feeling safer with him than with anyone you have ever been with before. Your eyes begin to grow heavy as you drift off to sleep. Still cradled against his body.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2021 ⏰

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