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at that night, y/n stayed up in her room all night. ren and his friends are playing in the other room. she plug on her earphone and blast some music, annoyed by ren's friends. she let out a sigh and gather some courage to tell them to quiet down a bit. she take off her earphone and get out to the next room.

she stands there awkwardly, and knock on the door. the door opened and she open her mouth to talk.

"HAHAHAHAHA MEME STO- oh?? who's this little cutie here?" someone asked. "uhm.. I need to talk to.. ren," she said. ren raise his arms up and raise his eyebrows at y/n.

"ren.. could you please keep it down..? it's 12.. I can't sleep.." she said. ren stand from his seat and drag y/n to her room. he lay y/n on her bed and kiss her forehead.

"sorry, y/n.. they are noisy.. do you want me to accompany you first?" he ask. y/n let out a small giggle, "no need, ren.. just.. ask them to quiet down a bit.." she simply said. ren stands and pull the sheets over y/n's body, "okay then.. good night, y/n.." he wave and leave.

y/n turn her body facing to the wall, "he's such a great brother.." she smile to herself and drift off to sleep.

~next day

y/n sit up on her bed and stretch her arms up high and look at the clock.

"...WHAT- I'M LATE!" she run to her closet and take her uniform and off to the bathroom to change. she brush her hair, tie it up (if you have a short hair, please skip this part), brush her teeth, wash her face and run to her room to take her bag.

she rush downstairs and see ren looking at her coldly. oh shit here we go again.. my love for him is dissappearing..

"eat your breakfast. we're going in 5," he sit on the couch and hug the cushions, drifting off to sleep. she eat her breakfast in hurry and drink her milk. she walk to ren, looking at his sleeping face. she lean in and rub his hair gently. so soft.. same shampoo, different type of hair -_-

when she was rubbing his hair happily but gently, ren caught y/n's wrist, "what are you doing?" with one eyes open, he ask y/n. y/n gulped at him, "u-uhm.. I want to wake you up...! yeah.." she let out a nervous laugh. ren stands up (still holding onto y/n's wrist) and he drag y/n to school.

"h-hey, ren.. shouldn't we walk separately? you told me not to be close with you, right?" she ask, stumbling on her feet in every 3 minuets. (why? soalnya meme tinggi, kamu pendek. setiap di tarik, auto kesandung apa aja wkwkwk)

ren ignore y/n's words and puff his cheeks, "we're siblings, right? there is no problem.." he said quietly. y/n's eyes lit up and smile, hugging ren tightly, "aww, ren! you're so sweet!" she jump and peck ren's cheeks. ren ruffle y/n's hair, lifting her up. "heh, idiot! put me doooWWWWN!" she wrap her arms tightly around ren's neck and close her eyes tightly as ren sprint to school.

"you.. oh my god that was scary.." she plant her hands on her knees, panting heavily. ren turned to the cold one again and walk straight in to the school. y/n fix her hair and put a smile, then walk in to the school.


"y/n ~~! good morning~!" mana greets and hug y/n. "morning to you too, ma-" "I smell boy's perfume over your uniform..?" she ask teasingly. y/n scoff at her and walk to her seat, "is it wrong for me to use it?" y/n ask to mana who pouts. she kneel in front of y/n's table, "aww come on! who?" she ask again. y/n raise her eyebrows, "who? what do you mean?" she ask back and plant her face on her table, "I.. ren is so kind, you know.." she cover her face with her arms. mana bangs y/n's table in shock, "WHAT?!"

students turn their head to y/n and mana, "sorry.." and continue facing y/n with wide eyes, "you're saying that (whisper) meguro ren, is a kind guy?! (whisper) and here we go again with you changing the topic.. with that kind of look of his?!" mana ask and look terrified. "you're face is so hilarious.. and yes.. he is kind.. so.. kind.." she smiled. "no way.." mana gasp. they joke around and laugh here and there.

~after school


y/n and mana turn their head, meeting ren with his idol friends. y/n runs to ren and hug him, "hello, ren!" she grins. ren place his head on y/n's head, "they're coming over again.. you didn't mind, right?" he ask. y/n nods, "of course! mana and I will go shopping again! do you want something??" she ask. ren shake his head, "no need, y/n.. be safe, okay?" he smile.

"okay! bye-bye, ren!" she runs to mana and walk to the mall together. they stroll around the mall and y/n stop in front of a men's shop. "y/n ? why are you stopping?" mana ask. y/n points to the shop, "I want to get something from here," she walks in to the shop with mana.

they walk around the shop and she found a perfect one-piece suit that will look great for ren. she look at the price tag and nod, "excuse me.. I'll take this please.. also with the matching shoes.," y/n said. mana's mouth hang open, "that costs a lot, y/n ! are you crazy?!" mana ask. y/n shake her head and head to the cashier with mana and pay it all.

they also walk from one shop to another, buying a lot of stuffs. they now head home.

"mana, this one is for you! wear it, okaay~" y/n give 4 bags of clothes. with trembling hands, mana take it, "oh my god.. y/n, THANK YOU SO MUCH! I DON'T KNOW HOW TO REPAY YOU.." she cried. y/n hug mana, "yes, mana~ let's go shopping someday again, mana!" she pats mana's back. mana nods and head home.

y/n walk home in the dark night, and a car beep on y/n. she look on the car and see ren over the window. "hop in, y/n.. it's dark," he said. y/n walk to the car and get it, "your friends?" y/n ask, putting on the seat belt. ren drive home fast, but safely, "I drive them home, and I see you there alone. I'm scared that a guy would creep up on you," he said. y/n burst out laughing, "HAHAHAHAHA! Y-YOU KNOW.. I THOUGHT THE GUY THAT WOULD CREEP ON ME IS YOU!" she clutch on her tummy and cough.

"don't try to joke with me, y/n," he said coldly, but with worry in his voice too. y/n raise her head and face ren, "hey.. I have something for you to wear someday! I'll show it to you as soon as we get home!" she beams a smile. ren nods at y/n, a small smile plastered on his face.


"reeeeeeeeeen!!!" y/n shouts from her room. ren brags in to y/n's room with an irritated expression, "it's night time. what do you want?" y/n show the suit that she bought for ren, "ta-da~ special for you, ren! do you like it?" she ask, peeking from behind the suit. ren lean on the doorway, "I do.. thank you, sis," he pat y/n and take the bag to his room.

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