Chapter 1

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"you're so fucking sexy, i love you"
"Just fuck me already"
"Mmm,, yes baby"
"Aaaaahhhhh, mmmmm, feels good"

Lee Y/n who is addicted to sex was having sex with some random man
Her desire for sex was so strong that whenever a man touches her sensitive spot, she needed to have sex

"Y/n are you ready" y/n mom shouted
Y/n who is putting a toy inside her her run out immediately"

Y/n: Do we really need to go to this party mom??

Y/n Mom: Yes, it's the biggest party held for the collaboration of our company with the Jeon's

Y/n: Okay, let's go

They get into the car and drove to the hotel

I was at the party feeling so bored, I miss home, but luckily i bring my toy
I turn on the vibrator and I'm already wet
I was wearing a short red dress

While I was enjoying myself in the corner, a fine looking man approach me and i was so surprised that i dropped my controllerI searched for it but couldn't find it anywhere

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While I was enjoying myself in the corner, a fine looking man approach me and i was so surprised that i dropped my controller
I searched for it but couldn't find it anywhere

?????: What are you searching?
Y/n: Uhh!! Nothing
?????: My name's Jungkook by the way
Y/n: Nice to meet you, I'm Y/n
Jungkook: Saw you from the bar and it seems that you're bored just like me
Y/n: Yeah kinda

Suddenly the vibrator turned on and i wasn't ready

I moaned a little and Jungkook immediately notice

Jungkook:Are you alright??
Y/n: *struggling* mmm, yess yess, I'm alright

Someone might have found the controller

If i stay here any longer I'm going ruin my family's reputation

I ran off to the bathroom and have a fucking great orgasm there
Then i pulled out the toy
I get out and wash my hands
But then I saw Jungkook

Y/n:What the hell are you doing here? *i shouted*

Jungkook: You're in the men's room, maybe you didn't notice because you're feeling too good down there

He said with a smirk and look down my legs

He came closer and whisper in my ears

"You are one naughty girl aren't you"

I was stunned
If he touch me i won't be able to control myself

Keeping that in mind i tried to escape

But then he pinned me to the wall

His head on my neck

I can feel his warm breath

Then he whisper again in my ears

"Naughty girl, I will make you mine"

Then he started to kiss my neck and his hand slowly went down to my core

It feels so good that I can't resist it


On a different note:
Connect with me from Instagram if you want to learn the skills to earn online💗💗 @lydiaaffiliatejourney

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